Wednesday, March 4, 2015

This will likely be the end of [Hillary] Clinton's political career.

Big words, huh?   Well, I think today's news about seals it: Congress is suddenly (after all this time...) going after the Benghazi emails sent from and received by her personal email account.

Of course, Hillary is a flaming liberal, just as dirty as Hell and so the conservative wave was going to crush her no matter what.  I am on record many times saying Hillary has zero chance in 2016.  At that time there was no update on the Benghazi situation, many people, including me, thought it was water under the bridge.  So I did not know what would end up being the mechanism behind her fall but I was pretty sure that she was a target rich environment for corruption once the conservatives finally felt politically strong enough to go on the offensive.

At any other time nobody would have risked attacking her for fear of political backlash.  That is obviously no longer true given the wave of conservatism spreading across the herd.  Now, names will be named and heads will roll.  Hillary didn't avoid the use of government email just because she's lazy folks, she did it because she's sleazy.  No worse than most other politicos but a real sleaze bag in her own right.  In any case, with this kind of very focused attack, Hillary is done.  The people were just told about the use of private email and it really shocked a lot of her supporters because it was clearly insecure and improper.  So that put a big crack in the confidence needed for her to keep running her portion of the con.  It doesn't matter what is in her emails, all that matters is the public perception that she did it to be sneaky.  Without confidence, the con is over.

Bye bye Hillary and good riddance.

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