Friday, March 6, 2015

The attack on liberalism is global.

India, like all countries, has its crazy shit. One of these notable things has been rape and how the Indian society has put up with it for a long, long time.  Many men there believe that sex with strangers is their birthright.  If someone from India wants to add more color to why it has been like that, it would be appreciated by all readers.

But controlling someone else, hurting them for self gain, especially sexual gratification is a totally liberal concept and so the news from India tells me that conservatism is sweeping that herd as well.  While it is liberal to hurt someone for self gain, it is totally conservative to do so in self defense or in defense of the weak.  If you want to shoot a rapist or a child molester in the face then you won't get any complaints from me and you never would have. 

In the case of the article, they actually stormed the prison before the trial and hanged the accused.  that part of it is NOT conservative.  Had they waited for the trial and then taken over if government either failed to convict in the face of overwhelming evidence (and hopefully out of the mouth of the victim) OR handed out handslap punishment (short jail time) then it would be another deal. 

I sure hope they had clear proof that they had the right guy but there is a lesson here: if government shows that it cannot be counted upon to deliver justice, sooner or later the herd takes it upon itself to do so.  That is a lesson for us all to remain aware of as things get worse in the USA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The dreadful thing is that the pendulum often overshoots, that's why eventually it swings back to the other side. Such excesses have to be pointed out and condemned, be it Bill O'Reilly or the hanging of a rapist, lest such injustices gain momentum and affect the herd.

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