Thursday, March 5, 2015

Clinton legal representation throws her under the bus. [Hillary]

Hillary is done.

Game Over.

Even her legal council is backing away from her disavowing all knowledge of her illegal and insecure email "system".

"The White House counsel's office was not aware (cough cough) at the time Hillary Clinton was secretary of state that she relied solely on personal email and only found out as part of the congressional investigation into the Benghazi attack...The person said Clinton's exclusive reliance on personal email as the nation's top diplomat was inconsistent with the guidance given to agencies that official business should be conducted on official email accounts."

I ask you: why is her legal council yapping at all?  Would it not be in the best interest of its client if they would just remain silent on this matter?  How does it help Hillary to step back and tell the people that she couldn't follow the rules which they clearly documented for her.  How does it help her for them to say that when they discovered she was breaking the law that they immediately did the responsible thing in the name of the people?  This is the lawyers cutting Hillary loose and then giving her boat a hard shove to get it away from them.  This sends a big signal: the good old boy system is now in every man for himself mode, everyone is suddenly pandering to the will of the people instead of cutting our hearts out every time they got a chance like they used to do.

The liberal worm has turned and now it's time for the liberal witch to burn.  And don't you dare feel sorry for Hillary.  She is an evil and corrupt person who would happily enslave and destroy us all if we had continued to give her the opportunity.  I believe that she is the invisible hand behind all of the controversial deaths that have cleared the political path for Bill and Hillary over the past 20 years.  It people got in their way (or threatened to do so), I believe that Hillary took care of them.  Bill is a corrupt asshat too but he is actually an accomplice to Hillary.  Her trail of blood is legendary by design: she was sending signals not to mess with what she believed to be her birthright: American royalty.  Maybe some of this will come back to haunt her before all of this is over.  It is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility.  One thing is clear: nobody will do her wet work for her anymore and so the killings and accidents will now stop.

Of course the same story shows Clinton trying to get in front of the situation saying she wants the emails released because of course she has nothing to hide.  Truth be told, she will tell the people she has nothing to hide and then she will attempt to negotiate, under the veil of national security, which emails never see the light of day and what redaction must occur on those which do.

Hillary Clinton is a fiat ruler, a fiat person in fact whose credibility and thus relevance is now in a massive deflationary stage.  It will eventually leave her with her intrinsically deserved importance level of zero.

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