In the backlink on ASA I provided the model below and suggested that traders should buy the dip.
Well, I was off by 1 full wave in the count. The updated count is below. But the message is the same: BUY THE DIP.
Tomorrow AM is likely the perfect time because of how deep vee this has become. It could still move one more ten cent wave down at the open or it could decide to take the blue path but the odds are quite high that this is just a deep vee second that will result in an inclining double bottom that will subsequently take off rapidly and make up for lost time into wave 3 up. Generally when we see something this deep vee, the market is waiting for a trigger event of some kind to react to. By that I mean that it has already decided to turn north and is just trying to find the right excuse to justify the move. At least the stops on this trade can and should be very tight. So you don't risk much by going for it while standing to gain a lot.
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