But if you will suspend disbelief about both of the above things then there is a truth which I think you should know and that is that industrial production is about to plummet rapidly soon. It's now confirmed by the wave count of the chart. If you look at the 100 year chart below you will see a nice rising chart.
Unfortunately, if you zoom in on the very last part of the chart it is clear that we now have 5 waves down from the top. That means, at the very least, that we will see 3 up at some point and then another stiff wave down as shown. After that I cannot say but if the move down is very quick as I think it well could be then it is probably a 3rd and not a C.
That 100 year chart is going to retrace folks. And when it does it will be swift. Stair steps up, elevator down. Just the 38.2 fib would move industrial production well below the 2009 collapse. It could take us back down to 1980 levels. It was debt that pulled consumption forward to fund the spendy lifestyles of people and when at some point the lenders get tired of lending ever more to the consumers, that debt is going to dry up and blow away. The US now is pushing 20 trillion in debt. Do you think this will ever be repaid? Of course it will not. And when the lenders finally admit that the US and all other global debtors are no better than Greece or Puerto Rico, this fraudulent economy is going to absolutely comes to a freaking standstill.
It's not that people will have lost the ability to provide for everyone's sustenance. We already know this is possible to achieve because it is happening right now. No, the collapse will be driven by the producers simply deciding not to give their labor away in exchange for fake paper promises anymore. It will essentially be a global strike. And once started it will continue until everyone who has come to the understanding that they have gotten stiffed is finally either paid off somehow or made new promises or (cough cough) killed (or simply dies of starvation, lack of medical care, etc.).
Folks, I've been right about so many things that you just have to admit that my world view is probably correct and so I'm probably right about this too. Please don't wait until the shit hits the fan before you make some preparations. It is cheap and easy to hoard needed items now. It will not always be so.
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