Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Why do we need welfare? Why do we need minimum wage? The answer might surprise you.

Money makes the world go 'round.  When real money, honest money is used then everything works properly.   The reason for this is that money is essentially a token for stored labor.  If you work harder than is required to feed and clothe yourself then, like a worker bee, you make enough honey to live off during the autumn and winter of life (retirement).  This is the natural order of things.

It used to be that you invested in a large family and the family would be your social security.  You would work extra hard during your youth in order to create and grow a family and they in turn would care for you in your old age when you could no longer work.  The family was in effect a means of storing your youthful labor to be recovered in your old age from those who are younger than you (and thus able to work when you cannot) that hopefully care about you. You would essentially trade (pay) some of your youth so that when you were old you could rely on the youth of others that you traded your youth for.  That was an unwritten but widespread social contract.  Under this system, the larger the family, the better because it left more candidates who would be young in your old age and also if momma stayed home to care for children she already lost the ability to make a salary outside the home.  So load her up with multiple children so that she did not have a life of relative leisure with only 1-2 children while the man had to go face the world.  Feeding another mouth is a small incremental expense once that outside the home salary was given up.

But the government succeeded in convincing the people that government would be a trusted source of help in retirement and the large family was no longer needed.  Instead, you would store your retirement savings not in the goodwill and youth of your children but instead in government - controlled currency.  "Trust me" they said, and the sheeple trusted.   After all, sometimes your children die after you spent years of labor raising them.  And sometimes they were simply unappreciative.  The government controlled retirement scheme would fix all of that.   Cough cough.  The people no longer care about family as much as they care about money.  The overarching negative effects of this on society are mind boggling.

While this new social contract, this new world order deal, sounded like it had benefits, it also centralized the risk thus creating a single point of failure in the contract.  Yes, under the old system some people's children would die and some people's children might be unappreciative but they would not all die at once or all hate you in your old age.  Under the new system, if the government goes down then everyone loses everything.

With an honest money system, a man's labor for a day is honestly valued, even unskilled labor.  Why?  Because unskilled labor still consumes a man's whole day and a working man's time needs to convert into enough buying power (as opposed to simply large numbers on paper bills) lest it only pay the operational bills of today leaving nothing in the kitty at retirement.  In an honest money supply economy, if you need someone to do unskilled labor such as mowing your lawn, the worker either receives fair compensation for the work such that he can feed and clothe and shelter his family on the wage as well as save for retirement or you get your own fat a$$ out there and do it yourself.  In an economy that uses honest money there is no need for minimum wage laws.  If the proposed work has no market value to a prospective worker then it just doesn't get done by a 3rd party.  You are then left to either raise the price until it is high enough to draw labor interest in doing the work OR you do it yourself OR it doesn't get done.  This is the so called free market feedback mechanism and it works with awesome efficiency and complete fairness.

Same with doing dirty work such as digging ditches or cleaning cesspools.  In an economy with honest money, instead of these jobs paying like dirt they are recognized as hard work that takes a strong man to complete in a timely fashion.  The recognition for this is to pay a fair wage or again, get your own fat, lazy a$$ out there and do it yourself.  With a fair and honest money supply, bankers and moneymen are run of the mill, just as most of them were in in the 1930's 40's and 50s.  Very few had the equivalent of super yachts, super wives, super lives.  They were not looked up to by society as being the best and brightest.  They were viewed as plodding accountants because that is, in fact, all that they ever were.

However, very top end few percent of these guys (the Illuminati elite) were smart enough to know how to kilter things in their favor.  By removing all the real money from the money supply (gold and silver coins as well as paper notes that were arguably backed by gold and silver bullion) and replacing it with government controlled, completely un-backed (AKA intrinsically worthless) paper money and then by giving the right to create temporary money out of thin air (it's called credit and debt in a fractionally reserved monetary system, AKA SCAM), we essentially gave useless, weak, pencil necked accountants complete control over the labor of our society.  Why???  BECAUSE MONEY AND LABOR ARE FUNGIBLE in an economy.  Got money?  You can trade it for labor because it is supposed to represent your previously stored labor.  But if you can just conjure money or money equivalent (credit/debt) up from thin air then you can spend it into the economy AS IF you had worked honestly for it and very few of the market participants will ever detect this fraud.  All they will sense is that their own labor does not seem to be paying the bills and generating enough excess for retirement savings.  They don't know enough about how these things work and their ignorance is used like a blunt force weapon to steal their labor during their whole working lives.

You might think that the same rules apply as in an honest money supply in that the market will determine the value of labor. And in effect it still does.  The problem is that the amount of money in the economy is supposed to reflect the amount of productivity (AKA labor) in the economy.  But when some people can create it from thin air and then spend it into the economy, the result is more money than labor (AKA productivity or production).  That excess money in effect bids up the price of goods and services.  It effectively reduces purchasing power of wages.  We call it inflation and it is government policy, not some unhappy accident.

But not all goods and services get hit the same by this.  The marginal players are those who were not born with the minds to be engineers and doctors or even scheming, useless con men politicians and lawyers.  These are your low level workers in WalMart, fast food, construction and day labor.  This group is hit the first and the worst which is why government tries to patch the problem over using minimum wage laws and welfare.  By giving these pittances out, government masks the theft of the low level labor.  All of the stolen value that these hundreds of millions of people produce goes to those who do the least to really grow the economy - elitist moneymen.  It's a racket that preys upon the economic ignorance of the common man.

Amschel Rothschild said "give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws.".  He said that because he knew that kings make laws and that control of a fraudulent money supply was effectively a king maker.  Got the ability to print money from thin air (either to add to the monetary base or to the credit based portion of the money supply)?  Then you are a king because it means you can effectively conjure up free labor (in the form of currency or in the form of debt) at any time.  The fake money itself is not labor but rather a fraudulent token for labor that can be traded for real labor to ignorant and desperate royal subjects at the drop of a hat because most people, perhaps even you, dear incredulous reader, do not really understand what is going on.  It means that the entire population has effectively been at least partially enslaved.

When a crafty king looks out over his kingdom, he takes note of where there is discontent and restlessness on the rise and he tries to stem it if possible and always as cheaply as possible.  After all, the king requires his subjects to go to work every day, like the slaves they are, to produce enough for themselves and enough for the king, his cronies and his jackbooted centurion enforcers.  The king knows that his position is always tenuous.  If the people would just wake the flock up and realize how badly their lives are being abused and how much harder they have to work in order to keep the king in venison, women, wine and under control of an offensive military (AKA policy enforcers, shortened to "police") then they would defenestrate the SOB and party on his grave.  So the king gives bread to the poor (minimum wage laws and welfare) when he can afford to bribe them and when he cannot afford that he sends in his policy enforcers to convince people to stay within the boundaries of the little shackled lives that he has defined for them.  You think what is going on is a new game??  There is nothing new under the sun except the history you don't know (Google that quote if you are not familiar with its source).

It is no different than a rancher and his flock.  He cares for his flock to the degree that it provides meat, milk and wool.  But if the flock ever was deemed non-useful to him then it is just culled without mercy.  The rancher does this because he believes he owns these animals.  And in fact, in our world he does.  The king does what he does because he believes that he owns his subjects.  And in fact, when people bow willingly to a king then they have given themselves into his service.  So royal subjects can also said to be property.  The money elite do it as well because they know that as long as they can keep our own wool pulled over our eyes that they effectively own us as well.  We have made bankers and moneymen our kings by accepting the fraudulent concept of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking as our currency instead of honest money likely gold and silver coins or gold and silver backed currency.

And so this is why the government uses minimum wage laws.  As their money scam begins to steal too much of the buying power of the lower classes, the affected people wail.  Then they protest.  Then they riot.  Then they storm the castle.  The the king either is made to flee in disgrace or he is killed in the streets.  So the king has to throw them a bone now and again so that the sheeple calm down and don't wake up from  the mind control trance.  Social security, welfare and minimum wage laws are nothing more than government control mechanisms which are put in place in order to keep the rabble from waking up and figuring out just how badly they are getting fvcked out of the rightful buying power and retirement security that their youthful labor should be bringing them.  Fiat currency and fractional reserve lending are fraudulent scams whose goal is to steal the labor of everyone who lives under the system using it.  When you steal someone's labor, it's called slavery folks.  When government does it, history calls it treachery and treason.

Wake the flock up (a slogan that I borrowed from www.thedailysheeple.com).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nay, Captain, when the government enslaved the people it's called tyranny. Got Minute Men?

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