Thursday, February 27, 2014

GE - Let's get ready to tumble.....

In this last post on GE I expressed more about the concern I have with GE's future given its share price chart so I will keep today's post very simple.  In short, there are 3 likely next moves as modeled by the red lines.  you can think of them as bad, bad and bad.  GE is clearly rolling over and your pension, annuity and other big funds will take big losses for having invested in these big lumbering shadow bank debt giants.  I think GE will BK or come very close to it (AKA need some kind of bail out).

Now that I look at the way I drew those red lines I wish I had done it differently.  Or perhaps there is a subconscious message in there (not intentional I assure you even if I do think it's on track now that it's staring me in the face).  Would it be pushing the limits of decorum to suggest that GE's future is dangling?  If so, too bad.  Fake political correctness is dying and you didn't pay to read this so I don't have to pander to anyone.  Sorry, Captain's rules when you are on my boat.

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