Saturday, February 22, 2014

A message to freedom loving people the world over about guns.

The world is experiencing huge discontent in many parts these days.  The reasons are not what most people think. It is always about the money.  When you have a fake, credit based money supply that is driven by the fraudulent scams of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking (AKA a corrupt money supply), you end up with a pump and dump economy where by the rich insiders get richer and the work-a-day man gets poorer. The economic whiplash eventually leads to social blow back which comes in the form of protests, riots, regional fighting, civil wars and global wars.  It is the elitist bankers and their fake money which are responsible for 90+% of the problems on the global stage.  PERIOD.

The bankers have the money and they pay the governments and they own the military and the police.  If the people allow themselves to be disarmed then they can be pushed into a corner and off a cliff very easily by the heavily armed, heavily trained forces of the state.  It is happening right now all over the world, in South America, the Middle East, and on and off in Africa.  Might makes right.  Always has, always will.  A disarmed people have no way to protect themselves from the government and the bankers which control it.   Remember the words of Amschel Rothschild who infamously said, "Give me control of a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws".  Laws are bought and sold like any other commodity to the highest bidder.  That is the plain truth of the matter, difficult as it might be to read and internalize.

Please read the quote from this article, about the situation in Ukraine right now:

"But a civil war was under way, he added, between “the people of Ukraine, and the Berkut [special police] and titushki” – the nickname for hired, pro-regime thugs that authorities have used in Kiev and elsewhere to beat up protesters.

With only about 4,000-5,000 Berkut police, and perhaps 15,000-20,000 well-trained and equipped interior ministry troops, analysts say the government would struggle to prevail over widespread and determined opposition, especially in the west. But plenty of blood could potentially be spilled along the way.

This week we realised it isn’t easy to resist when you’re not armed and you are facing people who are using real bullets,” said Mr Haran."

With all due respect to Mr. Haran who is part of the opposition to the status quo, what kind of an idiot doesn't realize that corrupt government will eventually begin shooting you in the face if you do not do as they demand when they demand it be done?  What kind of blithering idiot has to wait until the bullets are flying against you in order to finally realize what a dick-less fool you have been for allowing yourself to be disarmed in the first place? 

To those who can actually think and act independently and without reading the government cue cards, I really cannot emphasize it enough: get a self defense weapon(s!), buy ammo (stacking it wide and deep), learn how to use your gun and remain proficient with it at the local gun range.  When the crap hits the fan draw a red line in the sand NO DIFFERENT than an Elliott wave trigger and when that line is crossed, start shooting.  Failure to do it is like failing to sell a stock that has broken down: your losses will only get worse by not acting.

I have no sympathy for anyone who allows anyone else to convince them to self-disarm while those doing the convincing are themselves arming up!  Seriously, every patriotic American should/must own a modern sporting rifle (AR-15) and plenty of ammo.  In fact, it defines the word "patriotism" to do so, for without such defensive capabilities in the hands of the people, the government just "goes Ukraine" on the people whenever the people decide that government is corrupt beyond the ability to put up with it.  Just knowing that the population is, on the whole, armed and capable of self defense, is the single biggest deterrent to government tyranny and lawlessness that any society can have.  Guns ADD security on the whole, they do not detract from it.  Government knows this and that is why the con men spend so much of our tax money trying to limit our choices on guns and ammo.

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