Wednesday, February 5, 2014

COMPX update - weak rally where the bulls would like to see strength.

Here is my last post on $COMPX (NAS Composite Index).  Please read it carefully to refresh your memory and then observe the side by side "model vs actual" shown below.  So far, the model is holding up quite well.  You can click on the image to get more detail.

Despite what you might be thinking by now, I can assure you that I am not from the future.  I cannot be sure of what is coming.  All I can do is provide my EW modeling experience in these pages.  Right now I seem to be in tune with the markets.  That will not always be the case in my experience.  Analysts get "hot hands" and then they lose it for a time.  I find that the more arrogant a person is, the more prideful he becomes of his being in tune, the shorter is the time that he gets to keep that tuned/"in the zone" condition.  In other words, pride certainly goeth before a fall. 

Thus, please don't mistake my attempts at humor and apparent self-assured sounding babble as pride.  I know that the markets are tricky and can turn on you in a second and usually at the worst possible moment.  For the coming year, I intend to gamble in these markets by the immortal words of Kurt Russell in the movie "Soldier".  Despite being a tough guy soldier, when the pretty woman in the movie asked him what he felt, he responded "Fear.  Fear ... and discipline.".  And so shall it be for me in 2014.  Fear and discipline.  Using stop losses at trigger points which, if breached, will prove that my model zigged when it should have zagged.

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