There is increasing evidence that gold and silver and the miners have pent up buying demand. Social mood is changing in many ways. People no longer trust our lying government or their jackbooted enforcers at all levels. The only thing holding the dollar up in the long run is confidence. The main issue with instantaneous dollar collapse, of course, is that many countries are way worse off than the US. China is a massive, massive credit bubble and it has literally been a Chinese fire drill in the making. Nobody knows where all of the debt skeletons are hidden but I tell you for sure that all of those new buildings in China got paid for with debt, not cash. China is going to default on it all and it will blame the US (rightfully so IMO).
Think about it. Chinese people are not stupid. In fact, their top people are every bit a good as top Americans. They know we are running a debt Ponzi and have darned near said it many times. But we are currently in charge of the global monetary system and so China knows it has to play by our rules. And so it has. And in fact, I think they have played the game pretty darned well.
After years of doing this, it was clear that China had a good revenue stream. It was steady and it was big. When bankers see this, they want to tap into it by loaning that entity money. The big revenue stream from Europe and the US meant that China would be able to make the debt payments. In this way, it was thought, China would be made debt slave on top of being a manufacturing slave.
But I think China is playing everyone who is trying to play her. I think China is taking all the debt on that they can, far more than will ever be repayable at the low rates that their export products sell for. I think that China knows the global economic system is a Ponzi and that it will at some point collapse. So why not build the crap out of the country and then just default along with everyone else? That is what I think will happen. Everyone think China is stupid for giving away the store in terms of manufacturing profits but their manufacturing is a diversion from what is really going on: massive, massive real estate debt that, like the US and its dollar Ponzi, they never intend to repay.
Gold and silver and miners might indeed make one more final lower low if my ending diagonal model plays out. But after that, they will break out big time because that's what happens after an ending diagonal completes.
And when it hits the fan, China will have the plants, even if many of them will go idle and rust. Meanwhile, the OECD countries, having relied on Chinese manufacturing, will be penniless and without capital to build manufacturing capacity up or even maintaining the machines that till the soil, in spite of counting the IOU slips as assets. Well played, China, well played.
Exactly so. You cannot easily repossess a building. You cannot move it and take it home. Even your very legal right to call it yours lives at the whim of a Chinese bureaucrat's pen. With one tiny bit of ink they can nationalize it all. Face it, China is a communist country masquerading as an open society only so that people will build and invest there. Once the Ponzi rolls over, they will revert to their old ways and they will take everything in the name of "the people". This is right out of a Chinese kung fu movie where the bad guy and the good guy tussle and then the action stops with the bad guy having a knife in the face of the good guy. The bad guy thinks he's won but the good guy just gestures downward with his eyes and then taps the bad guy's inner thigh with a sharp knife that is strategically positioned there...
I think there is a thin line between economic war and battlefield war. If we are lucky the long anticipated WW3 will be just an economic event. In this case the victor will look like the victor of WW@: he will have a massive gold stockpile, he will have massive manufacturing production capacity and everyone else will have relatively little of either.
Those who forgot the old lessons, the golden lessons, will be so sorry. He who has the gold will indeed make the rules.
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