This is going to end badly. That much is clear. If you can't see it, look no further than the top 3 headlines over at Real Clear Politics:
Half the people think that Trump is such a threat that they would rather elect a known career criminal in the form of Hillary. The other half are so afraid of Hillary that if she gets elected its the end of America. Perhaps the most believable headline is the third one: "Good (fucking) luck to the next president". Whoever gets sElected will have to deal with a total shitstorm of a mess:
- tanking economy.
- rising opportunism from Russia and China sensing a growing power vacuum as America loses its grip on the world.
- rising cost from so called entitlement programs as boomers move exponentially into retirement.
- falling revenue from millennials who have no job skills having gotten used to sucking the government teat.
- a money supply which will likely peak soon and then face a currency event as confidence is lost in the issuing authority.
- having to decide either to fix or to scrap Obamacare. Fix meaning higher taxes on the more productive working class, scrap meaning broken promises to the less productive working and nonworking classes.
The US has never faced a challenge of this magnitude IMO and the outcome will not be pretty. I continue to believe that some level of deunification will occur. Not from California despite a tepid secession movement going on over there. I read in one place that the secessionist from Cally are tired of paying for the rest of the USA. What a joke. Cally is billions in debt, a public employee pension system that is in shambles, etc. Cally don't pay for its own consumption, much less that of anyone else. But the point is that everyone thinks they are getting fucked by everyone else instead of realizing and understanding that it is not their neighboring state which has them under economic attack but rather because we all labor under a fake money supply which is now reaching or even past the Peak Ponzi Point. Nobody was complaining when the pump was on except real Ron Paul style conservative but wait until the fake money supply begins working against us. The same asshole liberals that supported the pump will be the loudest to decry the dump. Watch and see! The louder they are in hating it going forward, the more responsible they were in creating it up until now.
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