Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Well now it gets interesting. This is important.

As the conservative counterpunch builds, it does so at an exponential rate.  That's because herding is an exponential function.  Many smart but gutless herd members sit there and stew when they see bad shit happening but most lack the intestinal fortitude to stand up and take any arrows in the back over it.  

The nature of the conservative counterpunch is simply that the tide is turning and the liberals can feel it.  So they have gone into full lockdown crazy model with their edicts and mandates and control freakism.  At the same time, I'm already seeing the conservative herd first losing patience, then losing respect and then losing fear of their oppressors.  It is zero different than the final moments of the battle at Kruger.

Last week, Gabe Gipe not only got caught and fired for being a faggoty leftist operative who was mentally abusing school children, but, importantly, his liberal boss agreed to go on camera and say negative things about him.  There was none of the usual "can't comment on ongoing investigations, etc.".  It was "yeah, we are firing him and his hero Mao is the bad guy".  

That was very significant because that superintendent didn't want to do this but he felt like shit was rolling his way like a steam roller and he did not want to be trampled by the angry herd.  He correctly figured out that, yeah, the mood is different this time.  The herd has gone from defense to attack and that means the cowardly little morons at the top will go from attack to defend when they see the mob coming.

And just as I said would happen, the low level soldiers who thought they were an important part of the larger team would get thrown under the bus by they bosses.  That is exactly what the superintendent did to Gipe.  Why?  Because liberals have no real convictions.  They are opportunists by nature.  When the shit hits the fan, liberals eat their own.

But today we have an an even more importance bit of news to report on this front.  In Hudson Ohio, some ass wipe of a teacher whose clear job was the early sexualization of children, told the kids to write a sex scene you would and wouldn't show your mom".  Such teachings also included a book called "642 Things" which is a "guided journal (indoctrination propaganda) which is advertised to be "a fun and playful journal that invites inspiration".  

As you can see, its for sale on Amazon (until they pull it down) and was written by"the literary minds of the San Francisco Writers' Grotto, a workspace and creative community in downtown San Francisco. Thirty-five writers from The Grotto contributed to this prompt journal.".  So yeah, it was written by homo-pedo-leftist San Francisco a-holes.

Of course, all of these materials were supposed to be reviewed and approved by the school board.  Now, school boards have been called on the carpet many times in the past for doing leftist bullshit, teaching Critical Race Theory, etc.  But they just sit there doing whatever they want, all the while staring the crowd down. 

Until the anger of the herd reaches critical mass, the liberals know that the conservative crowd will just get it out of their system angrily and then that will probably be the end of it.  At the end of the day, the liberals have become accustomed to being allowed to keep on playing their sick games and laughing at the stupid conservatives.  That is how it has been working for the past 50 years or so.  

But now it is pretty clear that the herd has awakened and we are coming in large numbers.

Because of this, the lower level minions / operatives / agents are getting thrown suddenly under the bus by their superiors who want to get out in front of this thing.  Check out this video of the Mayor of Hudson grandstanding as he becomes emboldened against the left by conservative backers.

Mind you, the school board and principal already did a mea culpa about this.  They did not try to soft sell this horse shit as being creative license to help children's minds expand to be all they can be blah blah blah.  

"(Principal) Wilch told the board Monday that he and his administrative team apologized to the students' parents. The school is searching for replacement material that is suitable for high school students, he said.

"We did not exercise due diligence when we reviewed this resource and as a result, we overlooked several writing prompts among the 642 that are not appropriate for our high school audience," Wilch said. "We feel terrible. At no time were any of these inappropriate prompts selected or discussed, but still they were there and they were viewable, and you can't unsee them."

Since the school board never historically admits any public fault it is clear that they could feel the heat coming off the crowd as well.  So they did their best mea culpa.  But the crowd wasn't happy about it and at this point there is nothing that could be said that would make them happy.  Seeing his chance to dance on their graves, Mayor Craig Shubert walked up to the podium and gave the entire school board an ultimatum: resign right now or you will be facing charges.

All I can say is WOW.  We have gone from firing individual teachers to firing the entire school board in a VERY short time.  Like the lions at Kruger, the response from their alpha team to the herd closing in on them will be to dig in and bare the teeth and fangs a bit larger and growl louder; making more sweeping edicts and threatening anyone who won't comply.  

But the smaller players are already running from the horns.  You are watching soldiers of the left get taken out with swift goring by the horns.  The conservatives can no longer be threatened or frightened and continuing to escalate it in an attempt to change that will eventually result in a massive trampling.

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