Saturday, September 4, 2021

If you want to see the conservatve counterpunch winding up, check this out.

As reported recently, Project Veritas absolutely nailed their mission recently when they exposed a Sacramento teacher, one Gabriel Gipes, as being a communist indoctrination operative.  Usually these things happen and then it takes the conservative base weeks or longer to get any hearing and the people who attend are not that well prepared.  But in this video, which was taken just a few days after Gipes was exposed, things are very different.  Instead of just expressing shock at the injustice, these people are demanding change.  And just firing Gipe is no longer going to be good enough, trust me on this.  They are going to gather together and sue his commie ass and the school will be lucky not to lose someone in a high administrative position over this.

The radical liberals are emotional by nature and they herd easier by nature which means they self organize easier.  So the liberals are always heard first and loud.  It allows them to seem larger and stronger than they really are; punching above their weight as I have characterized it many time.  The conservatives are usually loners and thus are slow to self organize, but the conservatives greatly outnumber the radical liberals.  In The Battle of Kruger, the conservatives are the big pack of water buffalo and in real life, the conservatives are now on the counterattack.  Watch and see.  The conservative counterpunch is coming and it is going to be loud.  We will feel the ground move when their hooves begin to pound.

I know this because I understand some very basic things that few others really understand.  First, any society needs to produce so that it can consume.  And unless there is someone to borrow from like Wimpy in Popeye who would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today, society must produce BEFORE it can consume.  At the same time, liberalism is the tendency to try to consume before producing and, if they can get away with it, without producing anything at all whereas conservatism is the trend to produce before consuming.

From the above it is clear that conservatism is the energy source of society, not liberalism.  If liberalism goes too far, starvation will occur.  Starvation IS liberalism.  Conservatives are the heavyweight force in the economy but this is rarely felt because conservatives are loners.  It's only when they self organize to push aside their oppressors that the full power and size of the conservative base is visible.  Well just keep watching because that is coming.  Conservatives are banding together and demanding their rights.


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