Thursday, September 2, 2021

Let's just blame Biden for everything.

I have to say, as a thinking conservative I am so tired of seeing the gross emotionalism on both sides of the political spectrum.  Supposedly conservative people are showing their liberal side in droves as they "react" to stories about how Biden supposedly behaved in face to face meetings with parents of dead service members following the recent suicide attack "over there".   All I can say about this is "just stop".

Biden is a moron but he cannot be blamed for the death of soldiers in a battle zone.  Those on the ground should have had their heads on a swivel and shot the suicide bomber down instead of letting him get close enough to kill so many servicemen. And let's face it, they were in a region where suicide bombing is pretty popular.  So I blame the local commanders on the ground, not biden.

But if you get caught up in the emotionalism, why not blame Biden for the recent deaths in New Jersey and New York from recent flooding?  After all, 26 people are supposedly dead because of it and since people think that the president is like a god or something, he should have stopped all this death and carnage.

If you have any common sense, don't get caught up in the notion that one man is really in charge of all that much even though people in these positions often take credit when things go well. 

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