Sunday, September 12, 2021

A word on biden's vax mandates.

Texas Scorecard, a conservative organization whose goals are basically libertarian to right wing in nature, provided an article today whose title indicated Biden's orders could "force" millions of Texans to get covid vax.

While I generally agree with their stance on things, I take exception at the use of the word "force" here.  Force is when someone with guns comes and tells you they will either kill you or imprison you if you don't do what they say.  Anything less than that is simple coercion.  Coercion has a huge range to it.  Peer pressure is at one end of that scale and societal disenfranchisement is at the other end.  But throughout that entire range of coercion, one key factor is still in play: you have a choice.

The choice you have may not be very good ones but shit is often served on a stick and called a hot dog.  That's just part of having to live in this world.  Let's say you work for the government and just have 3 years before you can retire and begin collecting a nice pension.  But in order to work those final 3 years, some ass-tard like biden demands that you take the vax.  Well, that is unfortunate but it is still your free will at play here.

Likewise, let's say that store shelves go empty when the Global Debt Ponzi collapses and government requires a vax and who knows what other acts of compliance before they will provide any assistance.

Those who can see what is coming have done and will continue to do what it takes to ensure that the collapsing system has no leverage over them.  A lot of people don't want to take this shot for religious reasons.  They sound very strong in their beliefs, whether or not they turn out to be misguided.  But that is false strength if they allow the system to have leverage over them.  If you do not control your own food supply and ability to move freely, what do you think they are going to attack in order to coerce you into compliance?  Of course it will be your food supply and your ability to move freely!

In the coming years for those who have not done the thinking, taken the time, and paid the financial price to secure their actual freedom, there will be only two choices: comply with whatever they demand or pick up a gun and defend yourself, probably to the death.

Now is the time to realize this and to move quickly to prepare for what is coming.  As I have been warning for the past 10 years, we ain't seen bad yet, but it's coming.

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