Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Level headed discussion with Dr. Scott Atlas on the whole covid debacle

I hate to provide links to 1 hour videos but Scott Atlas is so well spoken and to the point that I could hardly put it on pause to do other things.  He makes some excellent points and, while listening to him, something profound dawned upon me.  He was talking about how we should not use our children as shields and that we should actually protect our children at our own risk.  It reminded me of how the liberalization of police had turned them all into a bunch of shoot first ask questions never cowards and how it was their fear that compelled them to behave this way.  It used to be that cops would take a bullet for the citizens they had sworn to protect.

And then it suddenly hit me why the liberals go around calling everyone "homophobic" even though people like me who think homosexuality is a naturally occurring mental and physical disorder are in no way afraid of homos.  More recently they began saying conservatives are "afraid of brown people".  Everything that goes through the liberal mind is based on FEAR.  This is what drives them.  In the human condition of fight or flight, the liberal self represents the flight aspect which is essentially the fear aspect whereas the conservative self represents the fight aspect, the not-at-all fearful, stand your ground, "come and take it" part of the human condition.

This is why liberals gleefully tell you that you never let a serious crisis go to waste because you can use it to accomplish things that you might not be able to do without frightening people.  This is why that asshat leftist teacher (Gabriel Gipe) said his main weapon in indoctrinating children was to "scare the fuck out of them".

Dr. Atlas made the incredibly important point that if kids get a vax, it should be for the benefit of the kids.  That's why he does not push back on all the traditional kid vax that have existed - those vax are actually for the benefit of kids who are at high risk of the things being vaxed against.  But with covid its the elderly, not the young, who are MAINLY targeted by the disease.  And so if you vax a child he / she gets no STATISTICAL benefit out of it.  If you vax the child you are basically saying, "well if there are side effects too bad for the kid but I want all the protection I can get FOR THAT DISGUSTING COWARD WHICH IS ME".  And that is really when things clicked for me how the liberal mind operates on fear.  That is why they are willing to do so many cray cray things over covid, they are literally scared shitless. And because liberals project their own mentality onto others, many of their accusations and false labeling of others contains that fear component. 

Atlas made other obvious points as well but there are definitely several good insights that I think everyone could gain by watching the vid at the link above.

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