Friday, September 17, 2021

Government bureaucrats say "take the jab" or else. Real doctors with --->real data<--- beg to differ.

Months ago Dr. Robert Malone who did pioneering work on mRNA, and who has patents in this field and who claims today to be the inventor of mRNA technology told us in clear terms that the spike proteins from the VAX were not staying in the injection point in the arm but rather migrating to the blood vessel linings, the brain, the heart, the limbic system (your "rat" brain) and the ovaries.  He said that this data suggested we would see long term issues having to do with blood clots, autoimmune disease, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and high miscarry rates.  Dr. Luc Montagnier, the guy who got a Nobel prize for discovering HIV, said the same thing: if you take the jab you open yourself up to long term health effects including cancer.  These are not Trump loving redneck conspiracy theorists.  These are learned men of science, leaders in their field, and they are reviewing actual data, not just hoping and guessing like the government/fauci/CDC continues to do.

I think this is a good time to point something out.  IF someone is guessing / hoping /speculating on something, what is a major symptom of this?  They reverse their position AKA flip flop.  But when someone has done their homework and is competent and is doing the proper analysis of data before spewing words, they don't change their story over time.  Would you not agree?

Well Malone and Montagnier have never wavered from their positions and can point to all the peer reviewed studies that was their set of input data.  They never wavered, much less flip flopped or changed their goal posts, etc.  But fauci and the CDC and the liberal herding science crowd have done nothing but flip flop. Remember when all those "scientists" signed a letter saying Trump's April 30, 2020 suggestion that this virus originated in the wuhan lab was full of shit and that there is absolutely no evidence that covid was a release from Wuhan?  Liberals used this as "proof" that people who believed the wuhan origination theory "didn't follow the science" and were redneck conspiracy theorists trump lovers.  

Watch that video.  It clearly says the "intelligence community" AKA deep state doesn't believe that the virus was either man made or that it was made in the wuhan lab.  But now a huge bunch of data has been gathered saying, yes it was an engineered bioweapon and yes it was from wuhan virus lab.  Do you think the liberazis will ever apologize for this?  Will they ever admit trump was correct the whole time???  Hell no.  They are the lions from the battle of Kruger.  They will stare down the herd, growling and snarling until physically removed by the horn that gores.

Of course, now we also learn there was a conflict of interest and that the scientists who signed that so called "Lancet Letter" had ties to Wuhan.  In fact, the Telegraph reports that 26 of the 27 signatories to the Lancet Letter had ties and they are calling the letter a cover up.  If those scientists didn't know that something they were doing was very bad they never would have tried to cover it up by denying the wuhan origination.  Everyone of those scientists needs to be investigated and you can bet that in the fullness of time that it will happen.

And here is why: Malone and Montagnier are already starting to be proven correct.  In this short video, a rather rattled looking Mayo Clinic trained Dr. Cole, who runs the largest independent testing lab in Idaho, says that since January 1 of this year he has seen endometrial cancer at levels 20x than the traditional norm.  

Let me repeat, this guy is not some front line doctor talking about his own personal practice.  No, no.  This guy is talking about the results seen from a large regional testing lab.  So this isn't a case of something happening in a given city in Idaho.  This is statewide data.  No regional cancer causing event can thus be behind this surge.  Only the vax can be the root cause.  He was VERY clear that this damage to the immune system ONLY occurs in people who got the vax.  He's also seeing thick melanoma's which is a deadly form of skin cancer, "skyrocketing" in the last 1-2 months.

Endometrial cancer is a type of cancer of the uterus.  Conservative men sit back and take a whole lot of turn the other cheek slaps to the face but all that goes out the window once you begin to attack their children with swollen hearts and their wives and mothers with uterus cancer, and a rapid rise in miscarriages.

It begs the question why they are on such a full court press to get everyone to vax? I mean, they are in full panic mode to push us all down that road even though we all should know by now that India went from 3 million cases down to 199 cases simply by administering ivermectin. There is no reason for their jab anymore.  No science remains to support it over the simple use of ivermectin.  A quick read of the WHO website even says that ivermectin is not dangerous even in large doses.  Which also means that their claims that people overdosing on ivermectin and clogging up hospitals were nothing but bold faced lies.  Do you see how their story changes pretty much every single week?  You have to be one gullible fool not to realize something very big is going on here.

I suspect that they know that the maleffects of the poison death shot (as one Israeli doctor recently called it when testifying before the Israeli Rabbinical Court) will soon be too widespread and obvious to cover up anymore so they want to get everyone sick so that people will be beholden to them for a cure.  Time will tell.  But when liberals realize that they got tricked into taking this shot and that they have opened themselves up to long term health issues they are going to be sooooo pissed.

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