Monday, September 13, 2021

"Influencers" now pushing "relationship minimalism"

 As a conservative I do not crave the presence of crowds although I do understand the power of it.  When I was in the USAF we had no choice but to herd with our 40 man "flight" of new recruits in basic training.  We had to live together, eat together and train together for several months.  When training, it was impressive what could be accomplished when 40 men were moving in unison.  One small thing that somehow impressed me was the power of heel beat.  When marching, each down step comes down on the heel, not the flat of the foot as it would do if you were simply walking.  We were instructed to bring that heel down hard on each step.  It didn't hurt because we were wearing heavy leather combat boots - best shoes I ever wore.  When 40 men are marching 4 men wide and 5 men deep in a concrete hallway, the very ground rumbles.  The roof covering would chatter.  The windows of the adjacent building would rattle and you knew you were a part of something quite powerful.

Liberals need this kind of herding interaction.  Conservatives don't.  As the herd continues to lean more toward conservatism, expect dense herding to lose power.  You can see it in New York City which is now worse off than it was at the depth of 2009 GFC.  All the stores are closed and people are leaving for good.  It's a dead city.  The same is happening in many cities.  But the next frontier of un-herding will be social media as I have written before in these pages.

During the liberal frenzy, you had to have a lot of friends on facebook, a lot of connections on linkedin and a lot of likes on your posts and comments.  People built their self worth around this bullshit.  I've never had more than 3-4 good friends at any one time and only 7-8 such people in my entire life.  I simply don't have time to socialize to the degree needed to maintain needy, clingy, jealous friends.  Well, it's one thing for me to think like this but when the so called thought leaders begin to say it you have to realize that it's playing out just like I said it would.

What is happening is that many of those who got caught up in the fake friending trend are now realizing it is a lot of work to maintain so many "friends" even at arm's length.  In other words, even fake friends are not free to maintain.  And so now they are justifying their retreat from this trend.  So I can say with confidence that the days of power for social media like facebook have now peaked and I suspect their stock price will peak soon as well if it already hasn't.  And since much of what liberals say and do is so fake, the retreat from these trendy positions can be a LOT faster than anyone thinks is possible.  Liberals have no real convictions.  It's all about "the optics".  They believe perception is all that matters.  Conservatives care less about perceptions and focus on reality.

Big changes are coming and conservatives will be the big winners going forward IMO.  The liberals are pretty much all clapped out now.

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