Monday, September 20, 2021

Song Sung blue.

OK so we all remember this man named Brett Kavanaugh.  He was being put in for an open slot as a justice on the US supreme court.  By all accounts he was a centrist republican with a good track record in his professional career.  Since he wasn't an extreme radical leftist, the radical left put out a political hit on him.  They really pulled out all stops on him because, well, he was going to breeze through the process otherwise.  Lots of dems actually worked with him in the past and knew he was a good man and a good judge.

And so they did.  The radical fucked in the head left could not find any real problems all the way back to his childhood and so they simply had some of their most radical and crazy members make up lies.  They did a real smear job on Kavanaugh but at the end of the day, their damned lies fell apart along with their whole narrative about Kavanaugh being "morally corrupt".  But a lot of damage was done not only to Kavanaugh, but to a system of picking judges which has now become unmistakably politicized.

As part of their strategy, the left sought to confuse the general population of those watching this spectacle.  The left know how herding works.  If the gullible among us think they see critical mass going in a direction, they hop on because that means someone smarter than them already did all the hard thinking and research and thus those going for the ride got the benefit without doing any work.The only problem with this strategy is when faith is put in liars as leaders which is what happened this time.  

So some as yet unnamed radical person penned this open letter (read it here) to Yale saying "We write today as Yale Law students, alumni, and educators ashamed of our alma mater.".   Once the letter was out there, former Yale students who are now lawyers and sitting judges in lower courts were asked to sign it.  The letter stated that Brett Kavanaugh acted with "intellectually and morally bankrupt ideologue intent".  This hit job of a letter even went so far as to say "But people will die if he is confirmed".

All this from a form letter.  And nobody who signed it actually had any personal complaint.  It's entire purpose was to serve as part of a multi-pronged character attack.  From nothing, the left sought to create smoke, then several fires which they would grow into a political firestorm into the Kavanaugh confirmation.  But because the liberals are especially herding in nature, many people signed it for no other reason that because others before them had already signed it.  In this way they didn't have to face peer pressure or internal cancel culture yet neither did they have to lead the way.  They could hide in the body of the herd, adding to its "heel beat" making the ground in DC and the very walls of our government rattle in unison.

Well, that little indiscretion is coming back to haunt.  One of the signatories was Jennifer Sung who is now up for review as a federal appeals courts justice.  In other words, a judge over what lower courts have already ruled on.  When questioned as to whether she really thought Kavanaugh was morally bankrupt, all she could do was repeat “I did not write the letter, but I recognize that much of its rhetoric was overheated.  And if by signing that letter I created the impression that I would prejudge any case or fail to respect the authority of any Supreme Court justice or any of the court’s precedents, then I sincerely apologize”.

In my view she would have been better off telling the truth but at this point there will be no free pass for her and the career of Jennifer Sung now has a 10,000 lb concrete weight on its back.  Sung apparently doesn't realize a few very obvious things about her response:

  • She apologized to the institution without apologizing to the man whose life she agreed to try to destroy.  That would have been fine had she simply answered people like John Kennedy and Ted Cruz, "while the rhetoric of the letter were over the top and regretful, yes, I believe that Kavanaugh has made mistakes which should have been considered more carefully during his confirmation.  Specifically ... (and then go into detail why she thought this)."
    • By doing this she could have shown that her signing was based on a legal view of things instead of her just signing because of peer pressure.
    • Sung still does not seem to realize that this was her real crime!  Her real crime, as it pertains to participation in our legal system, is that her actions were influenced by emotion and herding instead of the facts.  Her real crime is that she allowed her own principles and morality to become corrupted and dishonest.
  •  Sung dug her grave deeper in front of John Kennedy.  He pressed her multiple times to either stand by her signed statement that she thought Kavanaugh was morally bankrupt or not.  Under this public pressure she really screwed up by trying to hide behind the motive that "those statements were rhetorical advocacy".  So what is the rhetorical advocacy?  Well, the dictionary says that rhetoric is "language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.".  And advocacy is "public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.".
    • What Sung clearly admitted to was that she signed the letter even though she knew it lacked sincerity or meaningful content and that she did this as public support for a particular cause or policy.
    • In the sane, non leftist cray cray world, we call that PROPAGANDA.  And in this case it was radical leftist propaganda.
    • Sung signed that letter not because she had a personal opinion on the matter but rather because that is what her mob was asking her to do at the time. Had she her own opinion then she would have penned the letter herself. Instead this stupid bitch signed a form letter casting aspersion on someone else.
      • There are only 10 Commandments, Jennifer Sung. One of them is that you must not bear false witness against your fellow human.  The Bible tells us to take accusations with a grain of salt if there is but one eye witness accuser.  But when multiple people say the same thing then the accused is in trouble.  The left used human herding nature against Jennifer Sung and tricked her into adding her voice to a false accusation.  The accusations in that letter were amplified by the number of signatures present, even if most signatories didn't read it or believe in its contents.  Sung's career is now under the bus forever.  Nobody who is so gullible as to be tricked like this should be given responsibility over the very lives of other people.
      • Jennifer Sung stated that she signed this letter which she thought would only go to the management of Yale. I question her intelligence and judgement for ever believing such a thing.  It is obvious that such a letter would be used for political gain, especially in such a highly charged political environment.  If you don't have good judgement then you shouldn't be a judge at all.  If you are a gullible moron who thinks that opinion is more important than facts and that it is wise to just sign a form letter like this, you, Jennifer Sung, should just step down from the bench.

Jennifer Sung is just the latest casualty of the leftist movement.  But something larger is at play here.  The left is burning up its reputation with its own.  The next time someone sends around a form letter like this to former Yale students, how many do you think will jump on the band wagon?  The answer is zero.  And if Yale students are half as smart as they think they are they will see a pattern.  Their radical left leadership is a bunch of liars who are asking members to lie for them and to sacrifice their careers for them.  And worse yet, it's failing.  Kavanaugh was confirmed, Ford was exposed as a crazy leftist academic (thus painting them all with the same dirty brush), and everyone whose name is on that open letter to Yale is now damaged goods.

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