Saturday, September 25, 2021

Homo propaganda torn off subway train by Korean-American woman

 Well even centrist dems are now fully woke to the sick shit that is being pushed onto society as being "normal" by the fucked in the head homo-pedo coalitions.  This video shows her doing her civic duty to push back on such propaganda attacks even though doing so will probably be labeled destruction of property.  But what it really shows is that the even Korean American population, which is not known for being right leaning at all, is not fooled by those who would label anything but far left radicalism as "haters".

All of this is a snowball effect.  1 year ago that woman would never have ripped these posters down, especially on camera.  She would have looked at it, thought, "gee that's some disgusting bullshit" and gone back to minding her own business.  But now there are more and more things coming out like Project Veritas capturing radical leftists in the classroom purposefully indoctrinating children with their communism and their early hyper sexualization materials.  They are a bunch of fucking child predators and conservatives of all walks are becoming less and less tolerant of it.

The radical left takeover is about to collapse because centrist dems are tired of it just like everyone else.

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