Tuesday, September 28, 2021

The Spartacus Letter

There is something going around called The Spartacus Letter which you can read at this link.  Fair warning, this is not something for the TLDR; crowd.  Also there are some extreme viewpoints expressed in the "speculative" section near the end.  But some of the things I have been suggesting might be true are also listed.  Essentially, that there is a concerted effort to force everyone to get the vax even though there is a good deal of evidence that Ivermectin is a cure to covid and that the vax itself is toxic.

The letter breaks down in medical speak why the current treatments of intubation are no good and in fact harmful.  But I had already come to that conclusion simply by walking through a number of case studies, one of which I will cut and paste from an email to my wife and CC my boat partner. It was written on 9/9.  The title of that email was "Anatomy of a Covid Death":

Blue marlin cove has a memorial link to a guy from FL who recently died of covid.  He owned a charter company called daymaker charters.  It began with the guy going to a crowded function – his dad’s funeral - on July 11th.  Obviously high stress.  On July 12th he was out fishing with customers.  He started feeling bad during the week so he got the covid test and on July 17th it came back positive.  Right away people were recommending steroids and monoclonal AB’s.  Others said to do ivermectin.  Others mentioned Hydroxychloroquine and zinc and vit d.  Many ppl more interested in whether or not he got the vax than anything else.  No response by the guy whether or not he did any of these suggestions.

On July 22 he’s vomiting 3-10x per day with progressive breathing issues.  So he goes to the ER at 4am.  The next update wasn’t until Aug 14 th but clearly he has not gotten better.  In fact he got blood clots in his legs and lungs and was having trouble getting enough O2.  On Aug 18 he is heading for an EMCO machine (artificial oxygenation of the blood).  As he’s getting ready to fly out, the insurance company indicated EMCO is medically unnecessary.  On Aug 19, after getting some kind of advocate to twist their arm, the insurance company overturns its decision and he’s airlifted to the EMCO facility.  On Aug 21 he’s on the machine, sedated, supposedly healing.  Still on the machine on Aug 25th, still supposedly healing.  His kidneys were weak so they put him on dialysis as well.  Doctors expect this to be “temporary”.  On Aug 25th they are trying to bring him out of sedation but his body is not responding well.  On Sept 3 the family reports that he made progress but had a tracheostomy.  So it sounds like the doctors continue to say things are improving but their actions are clearly getting more desperate.  On Sept 6th he died.

 Now let’s look at what Trump, Rogan and others did:

-         As soon as they knew they had covid they threw the freaking kitchen sink at it. Hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies, everything.  They didn’t give it time to grow and spread and they never got to the point where they are on a ventilator or EMCO. 

o   With either of those they give you general anesthesia.  I think this is killing people.  I think these clueless assholes are solving the problem of patient discomfort with something that just weakens them over time until they fall off the cliff and die.   

o   I wonder if this guy was ever given ivermectin.  I suspect not because the healthcare system has been advised by CDC not to administer it.  It looks like the family entrusted his health into “the system”.  I think that is a death sentence.  I’ve seen too many people just listen to the bullshit doctors run their shitty game plan and avoid the “horse dewormer”, etc. only for the person to go into a coma or be drugged into one.  And once in that coma I think your life bleeds away pretty quickly.

If you read the Spartacus Letter you will find a bunch of low level technical explanations as to why intubation and being put on forced ventilation is a death sentence.  You will also see that the author(s) of that document call Covid 19 a bioweapon.  The document makes other relationships between funding for the development of covid and the vax.  The document also ties the effective collapse of the financial system which occurred in late 2019 (exactly when my model said wave 3 of Fed balance sheet was about to go crazy to the upside and when the fed repo market was having convulsions) to the massive spend associated with covid reaction.

It is still very early on so it is difficult to know what is true and what is not. And we must also realize that even if something is true it might not work out as intended for those committing the actions.  But I will say this: The Spartacus Letter was not written by idiots or pranksters.  It was written by very intelligent person/people who understand that there is a class of people who have absolutely no moral restraints upon them. They would kill 80 percent of the population if it ended up where they had a better life with all the luxuries and everyone else doing the work to provide it.  They do not want to kill too many or they would have to grow their own food, build their own cars, mow their own lawns, etc.  But past that, yes, they are psychopaths who will justify anything they do as being good for the Earth or whatever when in fact all the liberal mind is ever worried about is the good of self.  Period.  They talk a good game but just look at their actions.

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