Friday, September 3, 2021

Project Veritas strikes again.

Veritas has figured out the secret to bringing down liberal socialist radical operators - just let them be themselves, but on camera.  The liberal in them can't help but to explain not just how smart they are but how TRICKY and DECEITFUL they are.  This video recently put one radical teacher, a tatooed freak named Gabe Gipe into the side rail after Veritas captured him spewing about how he has limited time to radicalize people's children.

His picture is below and all it takes is once glance at this mentally ill piece of shit to know something is bad wrong in his belfry.  1) Antifa shirt.  2) Nose rings.  3) Home done tattoos.  4) A tattoo of INGSOC is short for English Socialism, the main antagonistic faction in George Orwell's book, "1984".


Well, after the video was posted it didn't take long for the conservative counter punch to arrive in force and this video is pretty much the gist of it.  Momma said something very true: that man had control of her daughter in the classroom for a very brief 13 days and already had the daughter telling mom how she "didn't understand" about socialism.  

Well, momma is from Texas and she wasn't having none of that bullshit from her kid and she seems to have straightened the child out directly.  But this should be an eye opener for many people. These teachers still hold positions of authority in the eyes of kids, and her daughter was not really a small child anymore; 17 is hardly a baby.  But still, that communist freak got his mind fuck on and had the innocent little girl turned around to repeating his horse shit in just 13 days.  That is indeed something to consider. 

Gipe is now under investigation and you can be sure he will be fired from his position because conservatives are no longer sitting around quietly like before.  No no no.  As I said, those days are over and conservatives will now attack in packs like killer bees in order to defend themselves.  No more of this turn the other cheek shit.  Those days are done now.  I guarantee you this boy will lose his job now.


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