Wednesday, September 8, 2021

James O'Keefe thinks that things are finally changing

O'Keefe was just on the Candace Owens show talking about his recent take down of that communist asshat gabriel gipe.  An interesting point from him was that he sees a difference in what is happening to those who get busted by his team.  A few months ago he got a CNN exec to admit that CNN was actively working against Trump during the elections.  Nothing happened to that guy.  They just acted like it was all OK and nobody did anything about it.

But this gipe thing is different.  The school is firing the guy and the superintendent followed up with an on camera interview with project veritas.  Did he want to do that?  Hell no.  But he realized a shit storm was coming for him and others in the school administration unless he showed something different than the standard line of "we don't comment about ongoing investigations".  Instead, the superintendent went the other way and said that Gipe was in the process of being shitcanned and that what he was doing was wrong.  He said that Mao should be held up as an example of "a bad guy".

O'Keefe has been at this long enough to know a sea change when he witnesses it.  I call it the conservative counter punch and it's just getting started.  Wait until conservatives take down Fauci.  It's definitely going to happen.  Someone is going to rat him out because liberals eat their own.

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