Monday, September 6, 2021

If some course of action didn't work at all, we just need to double down with more of same!!

 It's an interesting trend among liberals that if their ideas for progress don't pan out then of course their idea is not wrong headed.  Instead, they just didn't do enough of it.  For example, the federal reserve and their currency printing hasn't done anything for the broader economy.  All that has happened is the already rich got richer. 

And so it is with the VAX it seems.  First it was "just take one shot".  Then it became, "well a fully vax person has two shots".  Fools and morons actually thought if they just did what they were told that it would all be done with.  But of late we have been warned that the vax ain't doing shit against covid, and in fact might have significant negative side effects.  So now that fuckhead fauci is telling people that a 3-dose regime is his current opinion de jour.

Why do people even listen to this turd anymore?  Seriously.  The vax is a failure!  It doesn't stop you from getting sick and we will learn that it actually causes you to get sick easier and sick worse.  When this is all said and done there are going to be just two possible outcomes IMO.  Either those pushing the vax are incompetent or they are evil.  Either way, it will end badly for them because there is already way too much credible data about the negative side effects of this treatment.  It's only going to get worse.  And you know who is going to scream the loudest when it does?  THE SAME LIBERALS who today demand that everyone take their poison.  Like I wrote a long time ago, once they figure out how badly they have been played, their pride is going to be hurt, forever.

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