Friday, September 3, 2021

Shall I shed tears over this?

I am on record time and again in these pages predicting that heavy handed police were going to get their asses handed to them as soon as the herd loses fear of and respect for the fake, money-purchased authority which professes to govern us.  I told the cops in no uncertain terms that not everyone was a stupid liberal with victim mentality who would just sit there and take vile, violent abuse upon themselves or their families at the hands of cops.  And even though it is generally very stupid to say anything on a blog which can be construed as a threat, I made it clear that if the cops killed anyone in my family without real justification, the lives of those involved would be forfeit as well.  Period.  I don't say those things lightly and yes, if forced down this path by the corrupt actions of police, it would be the end of my life as well, one way or another.  But the tree of liberty needs to be watered from time to time as the founders of this great nation made so clear.  I absolutely refuse to live in fear or under tyranny.  

With that said, my battles are my battles and I do not ask others to fight them and I do not intend to fight the battles of other people until such time as there is no escaping a fight.  But I also wrote that I am not the only person who thinks the way I think.  And I have also been pointing out that society in general is rapidly losing fear of and respect for our traditional authority figures, and especially their attack dog cops.  Finally, I said I would not be shedding any tears when my predictions materialized.  And so I not only don't cry when I read that ambush style attacks on cops are way up this year, but in fact a part of me says, "what part of my warnings didn't you understand?".

Let's face it.  The cops just went on and on and on with the killings of unarmed people, of anyone who would not comply even if said person wasn't any kind of threat, etc.  In many cases, multiple cops would do clip dumps, hitting the dead guy 30 times or more just to be sure they wouldn't have to see him in court.  In case you've already forgotten (because I have not), here is a vid of a cop shooting a 16 year old boy (Isiah Murrietta-Golding) in the back of the head from close range as the boy was running away from them.  His partner can be heard to say "good shot".  Oh, sure, the city of Fresno paid the family 4.9 million for killing the boy because it was so totally unnecessary.  But the city didn't earn that money so it's really no hardship to anyone but the citizens who will be taxed in order to make up for the payout.  How much fake, unearned paper blood money is your family worth?  

And very few get that kind of payout because there didn't happen to be a clear video of the execution of their family member.  I mean, that Murrietta-Golding video was pretty clear, pretty graphic proof of what really happened.  Even with the video in hand, this is the lie that the officer told in his deposition:

 "Once over the fence, Isiah glanced back at Villalvazo. That is, Isiah looked over his right shoulder at Villalvazo. In response to Isiah glancing/looking at Villalvazo, Villalvazo drew his gun as he (Villalvazo) was still running up to the fence. Isiah ran a few steps in the daycare yard. Villalvazo contends that Isiah looked back at Villalvazo and then made a movement to his left side as if he (Isiah) were drawing a gun. Isiah looking back and making a gun draw motion with his left is characterized by Villalvazo as Isiah making a "target lock" on Villalvazo. In response to Isiah's movements, Villalvazo discharged his weapon and shot Isiah. Villalvazo testified that he shot Isiah because Isiah's actions put him at imminent risk, and the public, and Isiah was going for the daycare center

So there you have it, the usual "I defended myself from imminent risk" lie from the cops, and down it goes into the official record as the truth.  Unless of course you have clear video showing the real truth in which case the city has to cough up nearly $5mil.

And so, no, I cannot shed a tear or feign astonishment that ambush style killings of police are on the rise.  Instead my primary thought is, what took these people so long to figure out that cops are basically powerless as soon as you stop affording them the power that they actually believe they have?

I still think there is time for the cops of the USA to stick save this situation but time is running out.  When the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) finally collapses, all cops are going to have to either side with the corrupt establishment who will say and do whatever in order to stay in power, or they will side with the people.  The Sheriffs of America have, for the most part, already made their choice and voiced it loudly over the past 10 years: they will side with the people.  And the reason?  They are elected, not hired or appointed like cops are.  It's as simple as that.  Those who have no accountability to the people will act as if they will not be held accountable.  Right up until the herd stops cowering and proceeds to hold them accountable.

To all USA police: STOP the heavy handed tactics right fucking now.  I mean full stop right now.  NEVER draw your gun unless you are in real danger.  And do not enforce minor infractions as if they were the mass murder of the century.  Instead, reach out to the people with an olive branch.  Help stranded motorists.  DO NOT enforce stupid mask mandates and other illegal laws or edicts.  Hold yourself out as an organization accountable to the people instead of simply being a hired thug army for the elite which you currently are.  STOP talking down to people.  STOP using your gun as the first action you can think of.  This cowboy shit is going to end or the herd is going to trample your asses.  I'm telling you, you ain't seen bad yet but if you do not drive some major changes into the way you do your jobs, bad is coming for you.  And don't you ever take another person's life again like they were a sack of potatoes.  Life is precious.  Do unto others as you would have others do unto you or others will do unto you as you have done unto them.  You are NOT immune from the retribution of the herd.  Not even a little bit.

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