Thursday, September 2, 2021

Here is what I am telling my subscribers [SILJ]

In the hierarchy of risk in the metals sector going from no risk/low reward/low volatility to high risk/reward/volatility we have:

- physical bullion metals in hand (gold, silver, platinum)

- ETFs for physical metals (GLD, SLV, SIVR, SILV, etc.)

- Senior gold miners (GDX)

- Junior gold miners (GDXJ)

- Senior silver miners (SIL)

- Junior silver miners (SILJ)

- 2x junior gold miners (JNUG)

- 2x junior silver miners (SILX)

Below is my Elliott wave model for SILJ.  It currently trades at $13.34 and my target price for the next 5 months or so is $38-$42. Common ignorance is that it should be impossible for anyone to make this kind of prediction.  I mean, the chart is still pointing down and you are somehow supposed to believe that a near triple is on the table for the next 5 months?  Yeah I know.  Seems like a stretch.  But my model says it is in fact the most likely thing to happen.

Let's see who is right, common ignorance or my model.


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