Friday, September 3, 2021

The conservative counterpunch, just as I predicted.

Honest associations and co-ops exist for the common good, not as a control mechanism for their members.  For example, a farmer's co-op enables a group of small farmers to purchase and then share very expensive planting and harvesting equipment.  The equipment is so efficient that it's only in use for a small amount of time each year by a given farmer and the rest of the year it rusts under a shed.  So it only makes sense to share this equipment so that all who participate benefit.  In no way does this arrangement limit what any of the members do.

Likewise, the US constitution was clearly designed to be an agreement among the states (which is to say, the people) whereby attacking one's constitutional rights would be viewed as an attack on all, and thus the power of the collective could be used to defend the individual or individuals. 

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to 
secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving 
their just powers from the consent of the governed."

The US government was never supposed to be my daddy or my nanny.  It is not some kind of moral leadership figure.  It is not designed to look out for my financial welfare or to ensure that I have food and shelter.  No, this was the liberalization of government that made up these false, unkeepable promises.  The democratic republic version of the USA simply said, you have rights but there are bullies in the world and oftentimes those bullies are governments.  So, if you consent then we will form this alliance whose sole purpose is to ensure that bullies do not come between you and your rights.

That's it.  There is nothing else to see.  Anything added on top of this is pure bullshit and blatantly unconstitutional.  Government exists with my consent only to protect my rights.  Likewise, 

"...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, 
it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new 
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its 
powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and 

This is what the preamble to the Constitution says.  It's very plain and clear.  Those who try to read hidden meaning into it are doing so for their own benefit and at your expense.

Ron DeSantis over in Florida gets this.  In response to the liberal rush to make us all carry vax papers lest we be excluded from society, the state of Florida has made it law that anyone demanding proof of vax as a prerequisite for anything shall be guilty of violating Health Dept rule 64-8.001 and shall be liable for a penalty of $5,000 per documented incident PER INDIVIDUAL.  What's important about this is that it targets the operatives who work to further the leftist agenda of big government control, not just "businesses".  So it makes individuals take on this risk, and they are not going to want to do it.

This is how the conservative counterpunch is working.  I expect the left to struggle for a response.  But the right will respond even stronger.  At the end of the day, the silent moral majority is conservative and we only hear so much about the left because they do a good job of herding, thus making them seem bigger than they are.  So the correct strategy is to disallow herding by targeting individuals.  And once you do that, the herd will disintegrate and that will be the end of this leftist cra-cra cycle, until the next time.  Failing that, we will have civil war and that will be how all of this is settled.

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