Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Leftist Gabriel Gipe's superintendent throws him under the bus

As a result of being outed as a predatory opportunist and likely guilty of child endangerment, Gabriel Gipes is going to be fired.  That is what his superintendent, Chris Evans said on camera when Project Veritas shamed him into doing an unprecedented on-camera interview.

Superintendent Evans: "It certainly was a situation that obviously I deemed not safe for students emotionally, because the teacher has been placed out and is going to be fired. I would have wished there was a different approach.” 

PV Reporter: “They did 25 site visits to Mr. Gipe's classroom, and no one ever noticed anything, no one ever noticed anything…in the Youtube video from Tiger talk, the school newspaper, you can see Gipe's classroom and the flag from Mao; so is this a negligence issue?

Evans: “I will say that no one on site that was aware, that the class was imbalanced. As imbalanced and biased as it was.” 

These interviews are so rare because the conservative moral majority never stands up for itself, and when there is no anger from the right, the left gets to do whatever it wants to.  But now the conservatives are literally done putting up with the leftist tantrums and Walter Mitty cra cra acts and so these useless, massively overpaid bureaucrats finally feel the need to defend their inept management for fear of also being fired along with the childish fools under their span of control.

Chris Evans should be fired as well.  Lame excuses like "nobody ever noticed" are good to hear because Evans is falling back on ignorance instead of trying to justify the behavior as being OK.  But they are still lame excuses and the captain should go down with the ship.  Why in fact have supervisors like Evans if the rats under his control do what they want right out in the open without him batting an eye?

The public needs to get rid of the Chris Evans of the world in our school system and replace them with a conservative watchdog who will actively root out all this leftist "wokism" and indoctrination.  Evans has already shown that he is not the man for this job.  Also, canning Evans would be a shot heard around the adminisphere that bureaucrats who let this kind of thing happen will be held personally accountable.  Once that happens it will stop in a hot hurry. It's coming folks.  Now that the conservative hoof beats can be felt, the left will begin turning on itself.

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