Monday, September 27, 2021

Look how desperate Aussie "leaders" have become

The Aussie gub'ment just authorized fake "urban air support" training to occur in downtown Brisbane.  Please take it from me as an ex USAF sergeant who was a 46170 munitions specialist that there is no military mission where this type of huge military cargo aircraft (C-17A Globemaster III to be exact) would ever need to be threading between buildings like this.  It is certainly not bomber training for two reasons: 

1) if you are in a war you don't bomb yourself. 

2) this type of aircraft is not fitted with bomb racks.  If you are going to bomb shit, use a real bomber or a fighter bomber, not this slow as hell behemoth.

There is only one reason to engage in this kind of risky shit and that is as a show of force targeting gullible,ignorant people who mistake large size for efficacy of intent.  In other words, pure propaganda.  By doing this the Aussie gub'ment actually showed military professionals just how nervous it is over the revolts that are happening in its streets.  You have to be pretty scared to engage in this kind of crap, that is for sure.

So listen up, friends down under.  You've got the bad guys very nervous.  If you want your freedom you are going to have to fight for it now.  So go find the guns that you foolishly allowed yourselves to be separated from and get cracking on the self organization, education, and field training that is going to be required to take your country back.

Remember this: nobody can give you your freedom.  It must be fought for.  Blood must be spilled or any freedom is temporary and doesn't count.  That's not my wish but it is my observation of history.  And no, it's not going to be different this time.  Unless you want globalist dictators running your lives you will stand up and cleanse your country of them.  And I mean a clean sweep.

Our time is coming in the US as well but since we never gave up our guns it will be much harder to intimidate us.

Let me circle back to the airplane thing for a second.  If anyone ever used that kind of slow pig airplane as a front line weapon, one well trained man with an AR15 could easily bring it right down out of the sky.   Those things are NOT protected from small arms fire.  If as few as 5 such men began a coordinated attack I would give the airplane a 20% chance of survival.  These big, impressive military aircraft are meant to be operated well behind the front lines.  They can NOT even handle small arms.  Everyone with any military background knows this and thus so do the commanders that agreed to put on this little demonstration.

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