Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The liberals who cause the problems for the rest of us...

...are invariably the first and the loudest to complain.  I have written this same thing many times in this blog and now the proof is beginning to show up in liberal academia.  One of them was quoted as saying "I'm not complaining for myself, I'm worried about the little guy".  Well, bullshit!  Liberals ALWAYS worry about themselves first while saying they are out for their fellow man.  It's always a load of horse shit.  This is passive aggressive liberal tactic #44.  It's in all of their playbooks across the board.

These people have all these wonderful ideas for free stuff that someone should hand out as part of their "work is free as long as someone else is doing it" utopian dream that they all seem to be afflicted with.  Yep, just get the government involved and all this free stuff comes falling out of the skies.  That's what these bozos think.  Of course, they know the stuff is not free.  They know someone has to work to create it.  But with big brother government and a pile of laws that are passed without congress having even read them, the academicians seek to STEAL the value of someone who earned it and REDISTRIBUTE it to those who did not earn it and by this generous act of THEFT they seek to ingratiate themselves to the masses.

Every one of these turds thinks that there is a huge club of rich industrialists with money pouring out of their asses standing there waiting to be robbed.  Well there never was that!  There is only the middle class.  No other group has enough labor to steal.  But the middle class in the US has been sliding off the table for years and so now the precious government is demanding that all citizens pay this additional tax.  And so Obamacare is backfiring in the faces of the very assholes that dreamed this socialism Hell up.  I hope you bastards choke on it for the damage you have done to the USA with this program and those like it.

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