In this post I recommended to keep an eye on the declining double top shown there. The current chart shows that this DDT has been broken out of albeit in slo mo. The momo traders are certainly not in any of the M+M shares yet. The blue like below show where that resistance was.
But we are not in the clear yet even though I expect to see several days of strength ahead as people see this breakout and want to trade it. And just when they are all frothy and giddy is when I would, were I Mr. Market, reverse downward on them and go into a nose dive. The wave count that would do exactly that to them is shown below. The great thing about this threat is that it is 100% observable. In order for this to play out, the 4th wave would likely throw over the top rail of the HT (but it could also just kiss it) and then turn down as shown. IFF it breaks out, the sell first and ask questions later event is the break back down into the channel. IFF it just kisses the rail and then begins to head down I would just sell and only buy back on a break out of the top rail.
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