Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Does Iran finally have its own version of Gorbachev?

Hmmm. This article depicts Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as someone who is leaning away from the religious extremist right of his country.  I see this as more evidence of a global move back toward conservatism.  If this strikes you odd, keep in mind that "right wing" in no way implies conservative behavior.  Was GW Bush conservative?  I say not no but Hell no.  He stole our freedoms and privacy.  He tortured people.  He threatened the world with a US first strike doctrine.  He was a warmonger.  He was arrogant.  Are these conservative aspects at all?  I say no way.  Political or religious affiliation does not make one a conservative or a liberal.  The things you do are what determine it.

So I say that the religious status quo of Iran are just extreme, radical liberals, not conservatives.  Conservatives believe in allowing others the option of self determination.  In other words, no dictator can be considered conservative.  Rouhani appears to be working against the status quo in Iran and the only reason this can possibly be allowed there is that the hard economic times have just worn away all of the people's desires to back loud liberal nut bags.  If Rouhani is successful in putting his important matters to popular vote (and I suspect that he will be successful or he would already be dead), Iran is going to be a very different place in 10 years.  Iran making an acceptable deal on its nuclear program would be the international equivalent of all the westward concessions that Gorby made while he was running the Soviet Union.  I bet Rouhani ends up winning a Nobel peace prize like Gorby did.

Of course, Obama never earned his so maybe he can just send it to Iran.

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