Wednesday, January 7, 2015

United Van Lines data indicates that people are fleeing liberal states.

Here is the article with the numbers.  Note that people do not want to live in either extreme right or extreme left states!  They want to live with freedom and privacy and low taxes.  In other words, they want the conservative ideal of self determination and not control by some asshat "potent director" or central government.  Again, it matters not if the central government is GOP or DEM!  That is a key thing that so many people still don't get.  They think "conservative" = GOP and I say not no but Hell no.  GOP is corrupt as all Hell.  Conservative = limited government.  The only US political party that has conservative values (even if not all of the faces of the party actually are true to these values) is the Libertarian party.

Open letter to US governments at all levels:

When times are good and the credit is flowing and the money supply is growing you can do all sorts of messed up things to the herd - whether they be messed up to the left or to the right - and the herd will put up with it.  But when the money supply Ponzi begins to top out (the credit portion of it at least) then everything changes and that is where we are right now.

You government people need us worker people a heck of a lot more than we need you!  Look only to the recent actions in NYC with the NYPD where the cops backed down on their zero tolerance police state activity as a means of punishing the people for not backing them blindly and always.  When Deblasio sided with the people in the Eric Garner case, and when the Eric Garner brutality had social blowback in the form of two murdered cops, the police turned their backs on Deblasio and thus on the people.  The cops obviously thought that crime would skyrocket without their constant badgering of the population and the people would come back to them begging on hands and knees. 

But a funny thing happened on the way to trying to sabotage society: it backfired.  Less police state is not resulting in the desired anarchy!  So if I were Deblasio I would be thinking about how to improve the budget by reducing the police force.  Step one should be to eliminate the pension program.  Nobody else gets lifetime pension for 20 years work and the fraking police don't deserve it either.  Police and fire are not "heros" any more than the military is a "hero".  If I HAD to declare someone in society a "hero" it would probably be the Mexican laborer who works for jack shit money and builds just about everything we have in the US.

Since government is little more than a parasite, here is what the more intelligent among you will figure out real soon now: all new value comes from the labor of man.  You NEED a strong labor base.  When a state government is too liberal, the best and brightest move away to find better opportunities first leaving the more marginal workers behind.  Those workers make less money, pay less taxes and in general need more government support.  The smart governments will do everything in their power to ATTRACT people right now and leave the liberal Hell Hole governments to collapse of their own corrupt weight.  Here is a short list of what you should be doing for the people:
  • Reduce the number of laws on the books.  Stop criminalizing life.
  • Stop spying on people.  It doesn't help you stop crime and all it does is create reavers.  Just fucking stop.
  • Reduce taxes.  Let the people spend their own money.
  • Work toward a new money supply wherein people can choose between paper money unbacked by anything or state sponsored currency, 100% backed by citizen-audited gold.
  • Allow open carry of firearms and when people call in saying they are afraid of a guy walking around with a gun simply ask them, "did he commit any crime or are you just being an emotional pussy?".  OK, feel free to use your own phraseology here but you get the point.
  • Get rid of traffic cams, ticket cams and all other forms of automated revenue generation by the state.
  • Get rid of all forms of government pensions.  We the people don't get this so why on Earth do the people want to pay for you to have it?  The states that win will be those who cut back government overhead to the level which makes sense, not just big government for big government sake.
Start with these things and then you will have people coming into your state in droves and your biggest problem will be how to handle all the additional tax revenue efficiently which is generated not by higher millage but rather by larger numbers of people paying.


Anonymous said...

I'm less sanguine about the population move. To me it's more about insufferability without responsibility. In other words, the bums who wrecked their states through their voting are fed up with the result, but failed to take responsibility for their complicity in enabling it all.

Worse yet: the same bums bring their voting patterns with them in the moving vans. So, not content with destroying the livelihood in their states of origin, they are prone to destroy the livelihood in their new home states.

The Captain said...

You make me look like an optimist!

LOL. In ~20 years I'll be dead anyhow.

Happy New Year!

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