My primary model remains that we are now putting in green 5 which is also red 1 but the blue numbers and the blue line need to be taken into account as well because they are possible for sure. The blue model says that green 3 was really blue 1, green 4 was really blue 2 and the move back down in 5 waves was thus 1 of 3 of 3 and 2 of 3 of 3. If this model is right then Monday opens down very big, and then it only gets worse from there. The potential exists for a 5% or even more one day loss on the big board.
Because of this I quintupled down on UVXY into the close. In other words, I have a 5x normal position that I am holding over the weekend just in case the 3rd of 3rd interpretation results in a gap down. If we do not gap down I will sell the overage in the pre-market and then get back to a 1x position. This short term huge position is ONLY in place to try to capture the gap down that the model says is possible. Time will tell if this was a good move but to be honest I am up quite a bit lately because of the big run in miners that I took full advantage of so I can afford to take an out-sized ultra short term risk at this point.
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