With the data that we have below, that is the logical conclusion. Well, now that I'm moving to a PayGo model I need to share more of my insights in order to convince people that I have any more of a clue about what is going on than someone like Cramer. I've already given you a valid count in UGAZ but many of you still have questions and doubts. And rightfully so.
For those of you who just want to take my wave count as fact, bully for you. But if you are looking at this and realize the profit potential that is staring you in the face but are worried about the risk factors such as the performance of this fund ever working in your favor when natural gas does begin to bounce, I have what I consider to be significant insight that I will share with you.
The button below will allow you to purchase access to a special weekend update which detail new insights as to why I am confident that the reversal for UGAZ as early as Monday or Tuesday of next week. Yes, IMVHO this insight is definitely worth $10 IMO, especially given how quickly UGAZ moves.
But you will never know unless you PayGo. If you want to purchase this, copy and paste the code 0221UGAZ into the box below and then click Pay Now.
Looks like it may take a few days more :((((
I hope I am wrong. Crossing fingers.
Today I paid the $10 to get additional info on UGAZ. How do I get the information?
Hi Chip.
Your order has been processed.
The Captain
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