The blow back, which seems to have taken Griffin by surprise, has been swift and hard. Suddenly the joke is on her and she's not finding it all that funny anymore. In fact, she's crying like a big baby who doesn't think she should be held accountable for her actions. She is telling the world that her career is over and it's all Donald Trump's fault for attacking her. How very liberal of her! Talk about being disconnected from reality. She attacks trump in a disgusting way which can best be described as a terrorist's dream and when there is blow back because of what she started, she complains to the world that her victim is the bad guy.
Sorry Kate. You stepped over the line and even fellow liberals like Piers Morgan have moved away from you. You are fucking done.
2 years ago she would have gotten away with this. The establishment would have protected her and moved her out of the limelight for a couple months to let things cool down. Not no more. They pushed her forward to make the public apology (more for the sake of the liberal establishment than for her) and then they started to pull her sponsorship. In other words, Kate Griffin is going under the bus.
Trust me when I tell you that others of Kathy's ilk are watching all of this and they are beginning to understand that their magick spell is no longer working on the herd. The herd is no longer siding with them just because they are cool and popular. Personal accountability, which is a clearly conservative trait, is back.
It's not just Hollywood that better stand up and take notice. The swing back toward conservatism has wide reaching implications for every sector.
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