Saturday, January 2, 2016

Paranoid alarmist or hyper informed visionary?

For many years I've made no bones about my world view and the likely eventual outcome:
  • a global debt Ponzi has been enabled, encouraged and in fact rewarded by the use of fake money consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking.
  • the rich who understand how money works have used the presence of fake money to personally acquire most of the wealth of society.  At the same time they have been taking on more and more debt at the societal level in order to subsidize the living standard of the unwashed masses.  This is just another form of privatizing gains and socializing losses.
  • sooner or later the ability to take on debt which boosts GDP will end; at this time you can take on more debt but it will not result in increased prosperity and in fact it will become net negative to GDP.  Diminishing returns turn into negative returns.  At this point the GDP collapses and all that is left is the debt.
  • once this happens the ability of government to support the poor fools who have given in to sucking at its teat will collapse and there will be mass poverty.  Those thrust into this situation will feel that they have lost everything, especially hope.  As Celente likes to say, this will cause them to "lose it".
  • the end result of the pump and dump economy is a very sour social mood with civil unrest, much of it by the disenfranchised and disillusioned liberals who supported the debt based "growth" regime in the first place.  These gullible fools thought they were insiders siding with big government to be on the winning team.  At some point they will realize that they were just used and they will be very, very upset about it mainly because they will realize what gullible fools they have been.
  • given the degree of pump that we have endured we have to expect that the dump phase will be similarly severe.
  • the marginal countries will be hit the first and the worst but the US is the most indebted nation in the history of man and sooner or later we'll have to pay the price for letting con men trick us into using their fake money supply. 
  • thinking people will make some reasonable preparations including months worth of food for their family and a supply of guns and ammo.

It all sounds so impossible to happen, doesn't it?  Oh sure, maybe in the 3rd world shit holes of the planet but that's hardly new news.  But prosperous western nations have nothing to fear.

Or do they?

If you read this article you might not remain so convinced of that fact.  In it Swiss army chief André Blattmann is quoted as saying that, "the increasing aggression in public discourse is an explosively hazardous situation, and advises the Swiss people to arm themselves and warns that the basis for Swiss prosperity is "being called into question."

So let's break this down.  What is he really saying?  My take is that the debt fueled prosperity is waning and the government support of its poor is collapsing thus leading to angry citizens crying louder and and more aggressively for the government to "do something" which essentially means "spend more money on me".  Of course, government has no savings of its own and it cannot raise taxes without causing an exodus of business.  It also realizes that government cannot possibly be everywhere that is needed in order to prevent the poor angry liberals whose easy living is being cut off from trying to take what they believe to be their birthright (a something for nothing living) from those who actually produce before they consume.  Thus, says the head of their army, thinking people should arm themselves and prepare to defend their property and lives from those who have no respect for either.

Importantly, he warned that the basis for Swiss prosperity is being called into question.  What's he talking about here, folks?  Does he think that the global watch trade might collapse?  That's what the Swiss are known for, right?  Or maybe, just maybe, he was talking about the only other thing that the Swiss are known for which is banking.  Since banking is the far bigger of the two economically, let's assume that is what he is referring to.  What could possibly make the entire Swiss banking system be called into question?  The collapse stage of a global debt Ponzi perhaps?

Folks, beat the rush.  Buy nonperishable food to handle any supply chain disruptions that might occur if things get really bad.  Buy guns and ammo because without them you are literally a second class citizen.  Buy gold and silver physical metal.  But most importantly, get your mind right about reality here.  It's a global debt Ponzi, no Ponzi ever lasted forever and when they collapse they tend to do so with exponential speed.  These increasingly blatant public warnings from influential and informed insiders should not be ignored if you know what's good for you.  Prep now so you can avoid panic later.  I can tell you with certainty that there will be no panic in my house should the worst versions of what is possible occur.

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