Friday, January 1, 2016

Liberal icon Bill Cosby is in real trouble now.

To date Cosby has just been getting accused by literally dozens of women of having drugged and raped them.  Unfortunately, those complaints fell on deaf ears until recently.  The liberal society didn't care about about these things for several reasons.  
  • Some of society knew the allegations were true but are just so immoral that they didn't care and in fact thought it was the right of rich and famous to live like kings and lords of old with complete control over the poor.  
  • Others in society knew the allegations were true and thought it was repulsive but didn't want to rock the prosperity wave that Cosby's mindless version of comedy brought with it.  
  • Still others knew the allegations were true and thought it was repulsive but didn't pursue it not because their personal prosperity was dependent upon the Cosby business but rather because they were afraid of his attack dogs and handlers.  
  • Of course the far greater number of people who knew about these allegations simply didn't believe them because Cosby was rich and famous and thus could do no wrong.  In their sheeple minds, anyone who believed the allegations was a conspiracy theorist.
Well, Cosby's Teflon shield has absolutely evaporated in locked step with the acceleration of the collapse of global liberalism.  While most of his crimes were committed long enough ago that the statute of limitations has run out, at least 7 of the crimes are still punishable.  I predict that Cosby is going to become O.J. 2.0.  In other words, he will seem to have escaped justice but the new conservatives are never going to give up in their pursuit.  Sooner or later they will get enough evidence on him that he has to stand trial in criminal court for at least some of his actions.  As OJ found out, you don't need to murder someone to get what amounts to a life sentence. OJ is eligible for parole in 2017 but I bet that the parole board will not give him a break because they know that the public wants OJ in jail. 

Cosby recently moved one step closer to a jail cell as his wife was ordered to give a deposition for his attackers.  While I would have thought that she would have been able to dodge deposition for the reason that a wife supposedly cannot be compelled to testify against her husband, it seems that her role as his business manager gives the opposition legal grounds to do so.  That was some poor legal planning there, Bill.  Now his wife has to make the choice of whether to open herself up to a life sentence in jail for perjury or not.  I predict that she will not do that.  After all, she is no spring chicken any more and jail would be hard time for her.  Additionally, if Bill goes to jail she is the one who gets all his money so it's not like her lifestyle depends on him remaining a free man.  So she will probably just take the 5th on every question.  Of course, this will make headlines and the less liberal press will spin it as a tacit admission of some kind of wrong doing.  After all, if you have done nothing wrong then you have nothing to fear, right?  That's what liberal leadership has been telling us for years now...

If Cosby goes to jail as I think he will then it will send another huge signal to society that the rich and powerful are not above the law and that is a direct blow to liberal thinking.  The herd sees these signals and it reacts in ways that it sees will benefit its members.  Once it is viewed as no longer being cheap, easy and safe to be an elitist asshole, the number of them will collapse rapidly and dramatically.


Anonymous said...

I must confess a certain disbelief when I first heard about an allegation against Cosby. After all, about a decade ago he reared his voice encouraging blacks to get education, self-respect, self-improvement and better morals. Of course, when the allegations became legion, I knew that there was something rotten in Denmark.

On another note, Cargill refuses to cave in to Muslim demands and fires workers who failed to show up without notice: The worm is turning and I doubt that CAIR will get any leg on this.

The Captain said...

Interesting link on the firings. I agree, this business of catering to Muslims as some kind of protected class is liberal bullshit and I would say the same thing if it were Christians or anyone else.

The aftermath of this will be important to follow because the leader of the fired group (Omar Jamal) tried to spin it as a miscommunication. He assumed that "Cargill managers may not have understood that depending on the time of year Muslims are required to pray at different times during the day". I think Cargill managers knew full well what the issue was and their actions simply said, "sorry dude, your religion is not my problem". Additionally Jamal assumed that he had some kind of negotiation leverage when he said, "Hopefully, there can be a clear policy in place that everyone understands that would solve the problem”. I think Cargill's actions clearly communicated that yes there is already a clear policy in place: if you don't come to work you will be terminated for cause. Additionally, by firing the trouble makers the problem had already been solved.

Thanks for the link.

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