Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Hyperinflation is coming to Venezuela.

Not that fake paper Venezuelan currency has ever been any good in the past 40 years, but it's likely to get a lot worse now that the president of that country has used emergency powers to seize control of its central bank.  So now even though an opposition congress is in place, Presidente Maduro doesn't need them anymore because he has control of the printing presses.

While this is Venezuela's problem I only bother to mention it as one of the signs to look for in the US that the dollar is about to leave deflation and enter a massive or even hyper inflationary phase.  We are not there yet but money will soon be needed to prop up a ship that develops leaks at an exponentially rising rate.  This is always the fate of nations who allow con men to institute a fake paper money supply.

Always has, always will.  No exceptions.  Plan on it.

Just because it doesn't appear imminent does not mean it isn't already baked into the fraudulent fabric of the global debt Ponzi.

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