Saturday, January 2, 2016

Dad stands up to "efficient" medical system and saves his son from an organ harvesting.

Here's real eye opener for you.  A Texas man's son went in to a coma recently and was hospitalized.  After a short time of observation, the doctors pronounced him brain dead.  Of course most of the family had blind faith in the grand knowledge of modern medicine and so they agreed with the establishment when it was recommended to taper off life support for the patient.  After all, a patient in a coma is the quintessential "useless eater" (all consumption, no production to tax or to leverage).  The establishment then notified the organ donor organization that it had another payday, errr, patient coming.

The father of the young man was not at all convinced that his son was brain dead.  He thought that the hospital and doctors were moving too quickly.  He knew, however, that the state had physical control of his son and that there was no way he was going to change their minds using words, logic or caution.  After all, once the patient is dead and the organs are sold (yes folks, sold) there is no way to know if it was the right or wrong decision.  Dead men tell no tales and can present no evidence.

The father obviously understood something I have been writing here for a long time - that possession is 9/10ths of the law.  He also knew that in our society whether we want to admit it or not, might makes right.  So he took his gun down to the hospital and used it to re-take possession of his son before the establishment could complete their plan of killing him by withholding life support and then letting someone cut him up for spare parts.  The father just wanted a few hours of being alone with his son to see if he could detect any signs that his son was still "in there" somewhere.

During the ensuing police standoff, the father said he felt his son squeeze his hand 3 or 4 times.  After making such a visible scene and then surrendering to police without harming anyone, the hospital had to give more time in case the father was telling the truth.  A short time later the son did in fact wake from the coma and quickly made a full recovery.

As a result of his heroic actions, this father saved his son's life.  There is no way that he could ever have done this if he was unarmed.  When you are disarmed, nobody has to listen to you because you are not a credible threat to defend yourself.  The dad did get charged with crimes for his actions but after he was proven correct the DA knew that it would only embarrass the system to prosecute and so the charges were quickly diminished in a face saving sort of way and I suspect they will soon just go away.

While everyone is focused on the miraculous recovery of the son as well as the bold actions of the father in this case, I don't see anyone addressing the elephant in the living room which is how the incompetent hospital and doctors could have been in such a hot hurry to end this young man's life and harvest his organs.  That is where the investigation should be happening.  Had they done their jobs right instead of being quick to cut costs and quick to try to generate medical system revenue with his organs, the dad would never have had to take his extreme actions.

When my child was young, I used to say that if I caught her doing something wrong one time that I knew it had happened 10 times before because nobody ever gets caught the first time.  I know that from personal experience in my youth.  I think the same applies to the hospital in this story.  Do we really think this is the first time that doctors have been wrong?  Do we really not understand that there is huge economic value in harvesting organs?  Is it really such a surprise that the state pushes everyone into agreeing to be an organ donor?  Is it really all that moral to sign up for this or does the presence of a willing pool of spare parts simply slow the development of artificial alternatives?  Remember, very few in the world own almost all of the wealth.  So if those few are cut off from their supply of spare parts they will have to invest their wealth in technologies that everyone would be able to take advantage of.

Pretty much everything the state does starts off sounding like a good idea but then it invariably gets corrupted over time.  The same is true with most things regardless of whether it is public or private.  However, when corruption becomes institutionalized by the state it is protected by force of law which is to say by the threat of deadly force. This is why the government must be minimized.

I have one more thought to offer on this matter.  The father obviously disagreed with pulling the plug but since the state convinced other weak minded family members that they needed to agree with the establishment, the man, and we are talking about the biological father here, effectively had no say in the matter.  As of January first of the new year, Texas concealed carry licensees now have the right to openly carry their sidearms.  I wonder if the hospital would have been so quick to disregard this man had he shown up wearing a visible side arm to the meetings with the hospital and registered his verbal dissent to their decision to kill his son.  I honestly suspect that it would have made them think twice about not going out of their way to ensure he was comfortable with their recommendation.  I honestly think they would have given him more consideration even if that gun never left its holster.  Just the act of carrying tells anyone present this this person is not a push over or a hapless and easily intimidated sheeple.  If anyone is going to be intimidated in the room it is not likely to be the guy with the gun...

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