Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Well informed commentary from Oathkeepers...

I agree with much of what Stewart Rhodes says in this video.  None of what is happening is just coincidence or bad decision.  It is planned and organized in order to bring down the nation so that the con men can remake the country in their own socialist/communist vision. 

You can't just change people's minds.  You have to tear them down and rebuild them - re-education.  When I was 18 I was a rowdy undisciplined person with a strong personality and a hard head.  Then I joined the military and went to basic training.  In order to get control of me they broke me down to rebuild me.  It was a total psyche job.  Yelling in my face, waking me up in the middle of the night to the sound of garbage cans lids banging together and total attention to detail and discipline.  Have a wet toothbrush in your storage locker?  Be prepared for a shouting, push ups, being made to run laps and of course humiliation in front of the other enlistees.

In that case, I was all for it because I felt I needed change and I also think that the motivation by those running that show was honorable.  I volunteered for it and I benefited from it.  Of course, that was back in 1978.  Since then all honor has left government in locked step with the rise of fiat currency which began its reign in this country in 1971 when gold was de-linked from the dollar.  The next "re-education" will not be voluntary.  It will be forced.  It will not be positive or enjoyable.  The only way to stop it will be armed resistance. 

I don't know when it will occur but once the economic Ponzi begins to collapse we are going to see a lot of civil unrest and that will be the excuse used for "extraordinary measures" by government.  I'm on record long ago: I will not comply with martial law or any reduction of my constitutionally protected freedoms.   I don't care if my name has been added to government shit list due to expressing this view via NSA-scanned electronic communications (AKA blogs).  I don't plan to hide if the time comes to fight.  When the shit hits the fan, come and get me, boys.  I'll be expecting you.  And by the way, thanks for all the time you have given me to prepare.  I assure you it was not wasted.

I do want to mention something that was heard in the video that I know will happen but do not agree is right.  In the last 25% of the vid, Rhodes calls for his cells of resistance to "shake down" businessmen: "In particular you have to grab a hold of those business owners, the guys with money and shake 'em down...  OK Mr. business owner, your business will be GONE unless you 'donate' to an emergency food bank for this area, for this county to feed us....".    Gee, this sounds like what you would hear from a gangster/wise guy running a "protection" racket.  Gosh Mr. businessman, you must be rich, I'd hate to see anything bad happen to your business or your family... I'll guarantee your protection if you just pay me...

I don't think that the correct tactic for fighting government theft from the people is to become thieves ourselves.   Additionally, do you think this will stop at theft from business owners?  Of course not.  These bands of paramilitary thugs will take whatever they can from whoever has it.  Rhodes is essentially declaring his armed forces to be a taxation authority.  Taxation that will be arbitrary and without any kind of political representation.

In the end, we are back to the subject which I have mentioned in these pages several times of "he who has the ability to pay".  So on one side we will have the government doing immoral things in the name of helping us / their brand of "socialistic patriotism" and on the other side we will have armed militia (called domestic terrorists by the socialist terrorists currently in charge) with a similar message / agenda.  Neither side will be restricted to moral goodness.  Both sides will believe that no sacrifice of yours is too great if it supports their wonderful cause.

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