Thursday, July 30, 2015

Liberal shark jumping in Spain.

Mish reports on some crazy new laws for Spaniards which include truly massive fines for seemingly petty "offenses".  Say or write the wrong thing and they will bill you with a fine for hundreds, thousands tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Euros.   Shades of Demolition Man!

This will soon ensnare and repulse even the most dyed in the wool liberal socialists in Spain.  They don't mind when the state is heavy handed with others but liberals are the first and loudest to cry when their own pile of liberal shit - the one they supported and helped create - topples over on top of THEM. Of course, if they instituted this broadly in America like that there would be gun play within about 6 months.  I don't mean a few shots fired by a one man show into a po-po station.  I mean organized resistance with running gun battles in the streets; complete anarchy and chaos.  And many Americans would actually enjoy it because they either have now or would have then nothing left to lose anyhow.

Imagine if you did something and then government said that you owed it 100, 200k, 500k USD for your "transgression" against the state.  Imagine if they didn't give you a chance to even think about it.  Imagine if they simply cleaned out your bank account (oh, stupid people still do keep their money in banks folks.  Lots of stupid, stupid people do this).  Imagine if their told your employer to send half of your paychecks to the government instead of to you.  This is declared slavery, period.  I think you know how I would react this this and, to be polite, it would not be pretty for anyone.  Use your imagination and then double it.

I might not know much but I do know this: other peoples of the world have had a long time to accept slavery under the elite overlords but Americans have believed, rightly or wrongly, that we are a free people.  Of course, Janis Joplin was probably correct in her view that "free is just another name for nothing left to lose".  Many Americans will continue to behave because they live a good lifestyle; so called golden handcuffs.  But too many will not accept an overt slavery of the type Spain is now experiencing.  In fact, the Spanish might not accept it either.  The only problem with those poor fools is that they were stupid enough to allow themselves to be disarmed.  In sharp contrast, gun sales and gun rights have skyrocketed in the US since Obumma got selected.

Never give up your guns without a fight folks.  Never and I mean not ever.  As in "from my cold dead hands".  Guns are the only thing that separate people from sheeple and that is an undeniable historical fact that the founders of the US clearly understood.  You might not like guns for yourself but you are insane if you side with government against honest conservative gun owners because the ass we may one day protect with our fire power and our will power might be your own.

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