In the past, these incidents would simply be covered up and the victim would be blamed with the whole thing using some lie such as "he grabbed for my gun", or "he reached for something suddenly and I was in fear of my life", etc. The police would always say that the cop was acting within departmental guidelines. Any evidence such as dashcam, etc. would be summarily lost.
By the way, the prosecutor lied in the video. He said people don't get killed for traffic stops but the youtube evidence strongly refutes this bullshit. Maybe he believes his own lie because of the new conservative wave that is affecting him and everyone else in the herd but the evidence is all over the web. Cops have been shooting people in their cars and by their cars for many years now with pretty much zero justification or retribution. But not no more folks, those days are over. The elite are seeing the herd finally get agitated over these things and they are correctly reading the tea leaves. So instead of taking the flak for the centurions, they are throwing their thug force under the bus when necessary.
Unfortunately, I fear it will have to get a lot worse before it gets better. Back a few years ago, the cops would kill someone's family member in cold blood and just say "we were justified". What did the family do about it? NOTHING. As seen in this image from the above video, they were even stupid enough to let the media profit from their misery by giving televised interviews:
Look at that man's face. It has "defenseless, helpless idiot" written all over it. It's not that I don't feel for the guy, he lost his wife. But if all you are going to do about it is tell the media that your feelings are hurt over it then I have no respect for that response. At the very least this guy should have been hopping mad, calling the cops fucking murderous bastards, etc. But no, since the state did it then it is somehow just an unfortunate incident so why don't we all kum bah yah and get the village together for a candle light vigil blah blah blah.
Needless to say, I'd personally go another way with it if the state killed anyone in my family without real justification. Got that FBI, CIA, NSA and other government TLAs?
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