Both Avi and Prechter see the dollar getting stronger from current levels.
Prechter thinks it brings with it a monster crash in markets and in gold.
Avi thinks that the stock market is finishing a large 3rd wave and that the next retracement will not be "the big one" but rather a 4th wave pullback with S+P 1800 as the target. He thinks gold is about to bottom soon and then it will be off to the races for a decade long or longer bull market in metals and miners.
1 comment:
Look at that chart beside this one:
While income has remained flat for the last decade, no matter which percentile one is at, the cost of living, inferring it from mileage costs, has crept up 50%, which jives with the increased cost of living that I experience.
But, if one looks at this chart for the past 50 years, though the median household has seen the income increased by 20%, if one considers that only in the 80s did women join the workforce en masse (v. ), only in the last 25 years or so has the typical household had two breadwinners, but before it typically had only one. In other words, in order to raise the household income by 20%, it required both spouses to enter the workforce, which means that individual income has fallen by 40% in real terms in a couple of generations!
This is what happens when the currency is unhinged from any backing, except confidence.
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