Sunday, February 17, 2019

The obvious differences in races cannot be whitewashed by liberal think.

I just wanted to pile on to my recent post about racism which simply points out what THE DATA says about the relative differences between blacks and whites.  In that post I showed a chart measuring the ratio of blacks to whites in the NFL.  It's 75% black.

So what about the NBA?  That is also a sport where running and longevity and physical prowess is required in order to excel.  According to Wiki, it's 74.4% black.

So here's a good one for you.  What about the ratio of blacks to whites in the NHL?  Hockey can be pretty physical but Wiki states that in 2011, the NHL was composed of 93% of players who identified as white, with the remaining 7% identifying as varying ethnicities.  Here again, Africa is not known for its cold weather and hockey players need to spend a lot of time in the cold in order to get good at this sport.  You don't just decide to like hockey and then go to the rink once in awhile and become world class at this sport.  You have to live it from youth.  There's a reason that blacks in hockey have about the same occurrence as blacks in high tech: their African background did not set them up genetically to compete in these things. 

How about this one from which wonders why physics is overwhelmingly "white and male"?  Of course, after presenting THE DATA about the actual numbers, the liberal Smithsonian expresses an OPINION about this data by blaming it on exclusion because of "biases related to their gender and ethnicity".  If this sounds suspiciously like the liberal victim card and shame blame game then congrats, you are awake.  The libs use these tactics because they have nothing else in the tank to use.  In the past they got away with it because they did not have the front stage in their 15 minutes of fame like they do today.  But now that they have been given an opportunity to show us what they have to offer society, its become clear that the answer is nothing except the same old mind games. And mind games lose their efficacy if played too often on the same population set.  A con man cannot run the same con with the same set of Marks and Patsies forever.  This is why liberalism is destined to collapse: it has no place to lead us but down and the herd will eventually follow the path up, not down.

Lemme see.  What else is Africa NOT known for.  Oh, yeah.  Water.  Not a lot of that over there.  So unless my thesis is flawed, this would imply that world class swimmers are not GENERALLY black.  After all, swimming requires strength and stamina and so you would think that blacks dominate.  But swimming also requires other things like buoyancy otherwise the extra strength can be spent just staying afloat.  So it comes as no surprise to me that states that "On the 2012 Olympic team, only three out of the 24 swimmers on the men’s team, and two out of 25 swimmers on the women’s team, were people of color.".  Laughingly, the libtard who wrote the article then goes on to call it a "race problem".  Again we see the pattern of presenting real data and then coming up with some politically correct conclusion that simply ignores the facts.  If blacks COULD in general beat whites in the water then you can be sure that THEY WOULD.  But they can't IN GENERAL because IN GENERAL "the lean body mass of the Blacks is denser than that of the Whites".  News flash: marshmallows float and onyx does not.

The reason that these data correlate is because the basic hypothesis is true.  Black people's African roots have set up their DNA in order to survive in a hot, arid, harsh environment where being physically tough as nails is a survival indicator.  Their bodies are thus kiltered that way IN GENERAL.  But it will not stay this way forever.  Even excluding the effects of interbreeding with other nonblack races, blacks not living in Africa will adapt to non African conditions in the fullness of time.  They will get smarter and fluffier.  Skin will get lighter.  Lips will get smaller.  They will begin to appear more as darker skinned white people.  I've already seen it begin to happen in my lifetime.   Maybe you don't like this truth but go look at the pictures of the 25 black scholars (intellectuals) you should know.  Below are some of the pictures of the people listed there.  For some of these people it's even difficult for me to place them as blacks. The man top row far left looks more middle eastern than anything.  The woman top row 2nd from right and far right along with the man bottom row center could easily pass for white people with heavy spray tan jobs.  Again, making rational observations and not letting politics or political correctness skew the results is the basis of good science so I won't apologize for doing it.  And if that angers you, check your liberalism at the door.

The simple acknowledgement of truth and data is not racism.  I do not assign a "better" or "worse" to these characteristics.  They simply "are".  There is no hate associated with pointing these things out.  Zero.  When the US "Dream Team" basketball team was smashing the competition at the 1992 Olympics, I watched all the games and enjoyed them thoroughly rooting for the "home team" even though I really never made much time for pro sports in my life.  That team was 11 blacks and 4 whites with the black players being far better than the white ones.  You really had just 2 white guys (Bird and Stockton) that were any good, and Stockton was more of what I would call a support player with Bird being the only real white deal on the team.  And how could it be otherwise when the black guys on the team were Michal Jordan, Magic Johnson, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, Patrick Ewing  and the like?  I mean, the who's who of the NBA right there.  Supermen, all.  This is simply giving them their due for their accomplishments, same as I would if they excelled in math, science, medicine or any other endeavor where intelligence is more important than physicality.


Augustine said...

Some of the patterns you noticed are far from universal and are shaped by economics. For instance, in my home country the ethnic make up of soccer players in major clubs is the same as the general population. Then again, soccer is an equal opportunity sport, as it can be played on the street, in a park or even on the beach, requiring only a ball.

Unlike other sports which require a specific court to be played on, like basketball and volleyball. The ethnic make up of the major clubs of these sports is majorly white. The reason is that courts are expensive, so they are more common in the regions colonized by Europeans than in those that had intense exploration of slaves in the past; more in the industrialized regions than in the agricultural ones.

The same could be said about Nobel prizes in sciences. Doing science is expensive, so most winners are from developed countries. And, with America's exorbitant privilege, more research was funded there than elsewhere after WWII. Before the conflict, there were more Europeans among the awarded scientists.

I don't disagree with you, but socioeconomic factors are significant and they are the only ones that we can do something about. Conservatives would like to see the government out of the business of picking winners and losers with its bottomless purse. Liberals would like to double down into the government's bottomless purse.

The Captain said...

"Unlike other sports which require a specific court to be played on, like basketball and volleyball. The ethnic make up of the major clubs of these sports is majorly white."

The facts disagree with you. See the link in my post. NBA is one of those sports that you listed (basketball). It is not "majorly white" at all. The data I posted from 2015 says that 74.4% of NBA players are black...

And volleyball?? Yeah, like I said. This is not a full contact rough and tough sport requiring extreme athleticism. So white people who have some good coordination and stamina can play this sport. Also, this is a team sport, again reducing the value of individual athleticism. And since it has not been mentioned, pro baseball, which is made up of 63.7 white as of 2016, is also not massively athletic. Not that some great plays aren't made, but these plays last 15 seconds and then you get a long break. Basketball is constant movement and there is a lot of physical pushing and shoving as well. And I am not the one who named the movie "white men can't jump". It wouldn't be a good movie title unless it was generally true relative to others dominating that sport.

Knowing all of this I think its easy to predict which race will dominate other *relatively* nonphysical sports like badminton, racquetball, professional race car driving, etc.

Augustine said...

I don't mean the NBA, but in my home country, where the black population is much larger than in the US, yet there are barely any black basketball player in major clubs. Again, your data is specific to the socioeconomic dynamics in the US and is not universal.

The Captain said...

OK I see. Well the real test is what happens when big money is involved. When NFL was young it was all white. But as it became a huge cut throat business, teams stopped hiring based on fashion and began to hire based on who will help the team win the most. I suppose that teams in S. Africa during apartheid would also all be white simply to keep the black man out. But in free and open markets, that is where nature will show its true colors, no pun intended.

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