Wednesday, February 6, 2019

I think Elizabeth Warren's presidential hopes are over.

The whole Pocahontas incident with Warren which recently led to the public and stern denouncement of her status as an American Indian made by authorities of the Cherokee nation was a huge black eye for Warren in the eyes of her social justice warrior followers.  But she never came outright and said that she was sorry for using this fake status in order to further her career and to take unfair advantage of the benefits put in place for this minority group.  She would always imply that it might have been an aid who filed paperwork on her behalf.

But all of a sudden, someone has played a card that they have to have had all along given how obvious it must have been to any lawyer out there: she identified as American Indian on her Texas Bar Association registration card.  Worse yet, this isn't being reported by some conservative publication which rabid liberals simply ignore even if it prints the truth.  Instead it was the liberal Washington Post that outed her and even provided a big fat picture of the lie with her signature next to it.  So thinking people now have to decide if she was a liar trying to play the system or simply delusional.

Rabid liberals probably won't care but most dems are not that at all.  Most are just as honest as any GOP.  Do you think Trump could ever have gotten elected if all dems were corrupt or stupid?  Not even close.  Many centrist dems had to have voted for him simply because they did not want to vomit after voting for career criminal Hillary.  In other words, you cannot expect these good people to see this admission and then just ignore the facts.  They now have to decide if they think Warren is a liar or simply delusional and really there is no other choice.  Either way nobody in their right mind would vote for her 2020.

Warren's presidential chances just collapsed IMO and if she runs against Trump, Trump will win unless the economy has collapsed as well by 2020.


Augustine said...

On the other hand, Warren could identify herself as a man and they'd become a DC darling again. Heck, zee should be bold and identify themselves as an Indian man!

The Captain said...

I don't even think that would save her, but yeah, it would be entertaining to watch.

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