Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Fake hate crime Smollett is in real trouble now.

As if the fact that Jussie Smollett is in hot water over filing a fraudulent police report is not enough, the same pair of co-conspirators who say that Smollett paid them to stage the fake MAGA attack are now telling authorities that the hate mail that Smollett supposedly received a couple weeks prior was sent by none other than Smollett himself.  Many stories have already reported that "If Smollett falsified a police report, the charge is a Class 4 felony in Illinois, and carries a potential sentence of one to three years in prison.".  But now that he's been outed as the sender of the hate mail letter, his problems just got a lot worse because, according to this story, the postal inspectors are very competent and "A law firm partner who asked not to be identified by name spoke with us about the federal problems ahead for whoever mailed the letter: “If they have Smollett on the letter, he’ll be facing ’terroristic hoax’ charges, a felony. There may be federal obstruction charges as well....  All in all, the federal legal options are numerous: “If they want to bury him, they can.

Since we already have the video of the two co-conspirators buying all the items used in the fake hate crime (see link above), and since it is completely verified that they are singing like birds in order to be granted immunity, it is a near certainty that Smollett is guilty not only of faking the original "gee look at mee too" letter as well as the police report on the actual faked physical attack.  This son of a bitch needs to see the inside of a federal prison for this.  I am tired as Hell of liberal "staged crimes", most of which they get away with simply because most people who would be their jury simply can't believe anyone would be such a fucking asshole as to do it.  But now we know for sure: we must all suspend our disbelief because the rabid left contains many extreme and mentally unstable actors, any of which would stage a crime and then blame it on the conservative right or especially the Trump presidency in order to try to effect change that they perceive to be, however misguided, in their favor.

If Smollett is crazy enough to do something like this then whose to say that the Las Vegas gunman and all the school shootings weren't also done by crazy leftists?  I mean, shooting random people because you are angry is NOT conservative behavior!! If someone does me wrong and I at some point come to the belief that they need to be killed over it, why would I go shoot random people???  That's rabid lefty thinking.  Someone from the conservative right would take out the bad guy for their crimes, not just anyone happening to walk by.

Smollett needs big jail time and if he does not receive it then conservatives should raise a massive stink over it because if any one of US did it then our life would be over as we know it.  And that would be the right outcome.  But if some rabid lefty liberal does it then he should receive the exact same punishment and certainly no special treatment just because he's liberal and has appeared on a 3rd rate Hollywood TV series.

Conservatives will be watching this and if we don't get justice then let the phone calls and emails begin.

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