Monday, February 18, 2019

Gay rabid liberal Smollett fakes attack by "MAGA" capped thugs

In complete keeping with rabid liberal false flag tactics, Jussie Smollett is now in hot water over a fake hate crime attack that he staged with the help of two accomplices that he paid $3500 for the event.
"Smollett told authorities he was attacked early January 29 by two men who were "yelling out racial and homophobic slurs." He said one attacker put a rope around his neck and poured an unknown chemical substance on him. Smollett stated that one of the attackers shouted "this is MAGA country" before punching him in the face."
As part of their investigation the police picked up two men who they had somehow linked to the attack.  Unfortunately for Smollett, the cops did their job well this time and they got the attackers to admit their business relationship with Smollett and also the fact that he hired them to fake this hate crime attack.  In response, Smollett has denied any involvement with the faking of the crime and has expressed public outrage that people would not believe him.
I feel sorry for centrist dems having to put up with this crap.  How many of these false flags have to take place before centrist dems begin to suspend disbelief and just how extreme the rabid left is.  They are willing to file false police reports and pay sizable amounts of money in order to stir up fake anti Trump controversy.  All this proves is that the hate that is out there is indeed real, but it's not the conservatives or even the far right doing the hating.  It's all being done by the rabid left.
At this point, the cops need to lay hands on Smollett and advise him that filing a false police report is not the lark that apparently thought it was.  It is not a hoax.  It is a crime and perhaps even a felony. In fact, given that hate crimes carry extra penalties on those who commit them, it only seems fair that those fabricating hate crimes, which this certainly is since it involved putting a rope around the neck of a black man, should also receive extra legal penalty.

Bye bye Smollett.  Your goose is now cooked.

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