Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Doug Casey on political correctness.

I've been talking about peak political correctness for a long time.  In this youtube Doug Casey explains his views on what political correctness is and why it is a corrupt policy.  He's less upbeat than I am about the future.  He sees the current trends just extrapolating endlessly into the future but that's because he has not yet made the logical link between liberalism, socialism, thought police, the death of free markets and peak credit/debt.  When people can live off of debt instead of needing to get ahead by the labor of their own hands then the people turn to useless and ultimately self destructive concepts and practices. 

He also doesn't make the connection between the rise of fake money and the rise of hyper-liberalism.  But I do, and I know that the exponentially rising debt is going to blow up a lot sooner than most people even think is possible.  I see people talking about how high our debt will be in 20, 30 years and I just have to laugh.  No way does the global debt Ponzi last that long.  The chart is going straight up and that that is all you need to see to know that a peak will come faster than people believe possible and then the collapse will begin at a startling rate.  And once the engine of the debt Ponzi, exponential debt, goes into collapse, the whole shooting match goes into collapse.  And when it collapses, so will all of this rabid liberalism.  Why?  Because fake money is the big lie and when it collapses the liberals are going to be the worst affected by it.

Let me say that again.  I am a conservative.  I have not bought into the fake money game.  I have been sitting in precious metals with my entire retirement money for many years.  Thus I missed out on the SPX run from 2009 until today.  But I am not envious because I see it for what it is: fake accounting entries.  When everyone loses confidence in the system they will go to get their wealth out of the system. EVERYONE will want more out of the system than they put in.  It's obvious this is not going to end well but the exponential nature of the charts shows a panic to get into shares at a time when 40% of the S+P 500 companies are in debt that is so deep that they will BK during the next financial crisis when the bond market starts to ignore the fed's leadership and instead begin to demand higher interest rates for the money they loan.

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