Saturday, February 23, 2019

Big news on reining in civil asset forfeiture (AKA legalized theft by the cops)

One of the long standing stated evidence points for peak liberal debt Ponzi was when we start seeing rapid and massive reduction in police power.  I stated that it would go from today where every Podunk shitty little town has a fully equipped SWAT team and an MRAP back to something that looks a lot more like Andy of Mayberry.  We certainly have a long way to go before we get there but it starts with police having to go to jail when they get busted doing illegal shit (and we have seen some of that happening) but the real driver back toward integrity is to remove the profit motive.

Right now, cops can just accuse people of anything and then take their property and make them go through an expensive and long process to get their stuff back through the courts.  The so called policing for profit" is such a goddamned amoral scam that we need to imprison anyone who was even remotely involved in this robbery under color of law.  And the road to that begins with formally denouncing it as unconstitutional.  Well, that is essentially what SCOTUS just did.  And it was unanimous.

So here's really how it works.   Those robed fucks presiding over the supreme court are not new to policing for profit.  You think they did not know that it was happening all this time?? THEY KNEW.  Yet they did nothing because the people were not complaining about it loudly enough.  And if nobody complains then why not bend them over the log?  That's how this fucking system works.  As long as the people sit idle and say and do nothing, the elite fuck the middle class over as hard as they can.

But with all the civil unrest, well, the smart dragons know they need to take their foot off the neck of the little guy because civil unrest is kind of like boiling water.  It just looks like water until its ready to boil and then 15 seconds later it is boiling over and everyone is getting burned.  SCOTUS is doing nothing more than what they perceive the people to be demanding, or at least awakening to.

Why doesn't SCOTUS just stand up when they see blatantly unconstitutional shit happening like civil asset forfeiture and put a stop to it?  They could do it. They don't need a case in front of them to form an opinion.  But yet they sit up there in their robes like they are some kind of sage justice when they are just another control mechanism for The Matrix.  I give them zero credit for doing what they just did because they did it for their own reasons, not because it was the right thing to do.  If their actions were based on honor, this civil asset forfeiture shit would simply be made a federal felony without another word to be said.  It's a total scam and everyone knows it.

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